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Will I blow it if....

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Hi all, haven't been here in a while but here goes i'll start with a little background.


My boyfriend of 2 years and I are like partners in crime. We help eachother through everything, love eachother dearly, have had a GREAT relationship. Except that about 3 months ago, I noticed he was having lots of text message conversations with a girl who used to be his best friend (with some benefits back in the day). I'm not jealous of his past, but once she found out he had a girlfriend, she started texting like crazy and flirty ones. He seemed to not realize anything was weird, until I mentioned that I felt uncomfortable with her messages and it was inappropriate for her to be in constant contact with him. They never met in person, it was just messages...


To him, it was harmless, but when he noticed how much it bothered me... he told me he would stop because nothing is worth losing me - even if it means having to go cold turkey with her...


Now, everything has been peachy since.. But lately, I'm kinda curious as to whether or not he has stopped. I found out originally about the messages because I (wrongfully) snooped through his phone... I know he lost some of my trust cuz i snooped and I lost some of his trust cuz of what i found in this whole situation, but that's besides the point. I know I shouldn't have snooped, but I did - and this is where we are now.


After he told me he would stop and apologized for unintentionally being disrespectful, we haven't really talked about it again since, there hasn't been that much reason to... Do you think I'll blow it if I bring it up now and ask if she's still messaging him? I have a feeling she still might be, or even call on occassion. Which, by the way, would be fine if her messages wouldn't have been inapproriate... I'm not a jealous girl, and i've never been doubtful, and i would never tell him not to talk to a friend just because it was a girl - it was just SO obvious that she was trying to see how far she could go with the flirting and he even admitted it did seem a little weird.... so since then i've been a bit jealous and insecure


Now, should I just shut up and try to get over it - or should I ask him if theyre still communicating etc. For some reason, I just want some peace of mind. Reason why I think i shouldnt is cuz he really hasn't given me reason to do it again, but i really need that extra push so i'm not constantly want to snatch his phone from him and check..



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Rather than snoop...why not just say some evening, "Do you mind if I look at your phone?" He'll either hand it over without a word, or start making excuses as to why it's not OK for you to look. That way, you're not a snooper, but you still get your information.

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Man I'm tired of people apologizing profusely for snooping. (Faux where are you? Light my a$$ on fire, dear. I love you anyway.) Its an individual preference, but I dont' mind if my bf snoops on me some. I have nothing to hide, therefore nothing to get defensive about.


Check that boy's phone again. If he told you he's not communicating with her anymore, he better stick to it. He made the promise himself.

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Yeah if he were that smart, he'd erase it anyway.


Thats what I do anyways!


omg jkjkjkj


but anyways check his phone again! Wtf he's your man, and you already caught him once and if the tables were turned he'd be in your phone reading everything.


You don't have to put up with it check it.

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Girl if he did it once...........


I say you check his phone. I doubt he'll be that stupid, but you never know!!!!!!!!!

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Must admit, i did check like 3 weeks ago... and he only had a couple of messages from me.... HE BETTER NOT BE DELETING ANYTHING!!! grrrr i'd rather just talk about it with him, but its not like he'll say "oh yea, we talk" anyways.. ugghh


ok i need to find a slick way of doing it... if i say "do you mind if i look at your phone" wouldn't that just be weird??


Also, I don't want to keep bringing it up cuz i don't want to make her seem more exciting or more intruiging. I cna't figure men out but i do notice from my friends the more you say no to something, the more they want to do it!!!


ok, i need to take a gander, but i need to be SLICK!!! Maybe we need to start drinking one night, and i'll ask him for it then hehehe (actually, that's not a good idea - i'll start crying or something)


... mission impossible music ...

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If he tries to stop you, cold clock him upside the head with the phone and check his history THEN wake his punk ass up.


Man, what is it with me being violent? :o I must be sexually frustrated. :laugh:

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Oh yeah the shower!!


That when I check my mans phone! I mean..er...play games on it;)


If he notices be like yeah I checked your phone, u lied to me once how do I know your not doing it again? Then sneer at him and give him the evil don't mess with me I could be pmsing eyes!!


Throw in a bark just in case...ruff ruff.!

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Not true, with certain companies bills you have the #s from text messages too ( ok, now don't ask how i'm so educated in phone bill checking)...




he never opens his bills... always pays online





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Oh wow- my bf's cell phone co. doesn't do that. Wish they did :o


Well if he pays online, does he still get bills? Maybe he just throws them away? Could you intercept them on the way to the trash can?


I have the online password myself.


Man, I'm evil.

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Actually, there's one of last month in his house i've just been staring at.. it's just there, he doesn't touch it...


then again, that's when she was messaging him still - so i'll just bring back old memories that 'll piss me off even more....


i am ANXIOUS, where would he keep the new ones??? uggghhhh this is so invasion of privacy :sick:

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Originally posted by tiki

If he tries to stop you, cold clock him upside the head with the phone and check his history THEN wake his punk ass up.


Man, what is it with me being violent? :o I must be sexually frustrated. :laugh:


*naive backs away from tiki very slowly* :eek:

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If you check his phone you can check his sent messages too! That way you can see what he's been sending her!


...are all women like this?? See what you men turn us into???!

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