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A normal feeling of apathy?

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Hi everyone,



I've recently had this weird feeling for the past half year or so. Since I was 14 years old I was in love with my best friend for 5 years untill I told her when I was 19. I would've told her earlier, but she always had a boyfriend, and I felt it was more important to be there and listen, and give advice rather then make her feel akward by telling her. I told her, but it just relieved me of something I had on my shoulders since highschool, we're not together or anything. We're still best of friends though, have tons of fun, and things are great everyday...this isn't where the problem lies. When I was in love throughout the time period, I never even thought about going for someone else, because I had the unbelievably strong feeling that nobody else matched up. Well, I'm no longer in love with her, but that same feeling stays with me everyday. It isn't eating me up every day, and I'm not sitting in my room crying in denial. I just go through my day without girls being a part of the day. I'd just rather be hanging out with my friends, or playing basketball, going to work, and school, writing, etc. When the thought of asking out a cute girl comes up, I become apathetic, and just say in my head "not what I'm looking for.", because of the feeling that nobody matches up (even without getting to know them.). As odd as it sounds, it's not ruining my life, or sending me into depression. I go through my day, goto class, enjoy the simple things and don't have any problems or sense of urgency. I'm wondering is this normal to still have this emotion? Is it a bad thing to still have it even though I enjoy life? Thanks alot.



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I go through my day, goto class, enjoy the simple things and don't have any problems or sense of urgency.


Sounds pretty normal to me.


As long as you're not resting all your future hopes on this one girl falling in love with you & you live happily ever after then I think you're doing just fine. You just haven't met the person yet who'll snap you out of this apathy, but it will happen.

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