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falling for my best friend


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Me and my guy friend are extremely close. Were best friends.hes my other half.

I always thought he was cute in his ways and everyone says hes the male verson of me...we became on a physical level a couple months ago but it was ackward and we agreeed not to do it again.

I introduced him to my friend and they both hit it off. And both expressed how they like each other. She lives in a diffrent area...

The other night we were both really drunk ..he said i guess were too close to be romantic but then he put the moves on me and we had sex. This time around was better but he even said it was kinda weird...

My friend is coming to see him and i realized i want him for myself. Ahhhhh!

After being intimate recently im thinkinh about him constantly and looking at him in a diffrent way. ..i care about him so much and i know hes there for me.

But this sucks...i cant express feeling more for him because it might ruin everything. And him and my friend really like each other...

Im afraid when i see him next im gonna want to hook up again. Or feel weird. ..i think were made for each other.

How do i deal with these feelings im having for him? I know hooking up is making it worse. I love him.

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