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Nervous Nervous Nervous I Think This Is It

Leigh 87

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The state of your bedroom concerns me more than this thread.




Oh. My room is very neat and tidy now.


That picture was taken when I moved home from Andrews.

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Have fun, but please spare everybody (including yourself) the griping when the time comes … and it will … that he is no longer kissing you every waking moment or telling you how awesome you are every five minutes.


This is normal. But when people take things at a reasonable pace, they can draw out the romantic intensity for quite a while. At your rate, you'll burn through it in a week or two.


This has nothing to do with how great a girl you are or aren't.




I'm not in a fairytale or Disney movie. I'm cool. I get it:lmao:


If we were to last, we at least have the raw material, chemistry, to get us by....

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Leigh, you need to calm down and close your legs. There's no way a guy would be interested in you if the first thing you're offering to him is sex. I've read about your first date with him and almost feel sad and embarrassed for you. Please, calm down, see a therapist and stay alone for a while. You sometimes give great advice, but your post about yourself are just too much, you are in a constant excitement state, and it's not healthy.




Sorry my last post was a bit harsh, but our first date was wonderful and you claimed to know that there was no way he was interested in me.


I think you're projecting. I know girls who slept with guys early on and are very happily married to the guy.


By the way.. we didn't have sex on the first night we met. We just cuddled and made out.


We had sex the second day.


I even mentioned to him that I was surprised we had sex so soon. He agreed but said that, when you're really into a girl, it doesn't matter.


Early sex was not what we expected. It still felt right though.

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I wish this one guy lasts you more than a month. I truly do.


Thank you for taking the time to read my threads, it's always appreciated ;)

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Sorry my last post was a bit harsh, but our first date was wonderful and you claimed to know that there was no way he was interested in me.


I think you're projecting. I know girls who slept with guys early on and are very happily married to the guy.


By the way.. we didn't have sex on the first night we met. We just cuddled and made out.


We had sex the second day.


I even mentioned to him that I was surprised we had sex so soon. He agreed but said that, when you're really into a girl, it doesn't matter.


Early sex was not what we expected. It still felt right though.


Ohh, no, don't worry at all!


I've taken the time alone to read a couple books, I'm just trying to say to you that a guy needs to like you for whom you are first.

You might be the exception to the rule though ;)

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Sorry my last post was a bit harsh, but our first date was wonderful and you claimed to know that there was no way he was interested in me.


I think you're projecting. I know girls who slept with guys early on and are very happily married to the guy.


By the way.. we didn't have sex on the first night we met. We just cuddled and made out.


We had sex the second day.


I even mentioned to him that I was surprised we had sex so soon. He agreed but said that, when you're really into a girl, it doesn't matter.


Early sex was not what we expected. It still felt right though.

I never said he was not interested! Read again please. What I said is that he only might be interested in you pleasuring him sexually, given the fact that you were so easy...don't get me wrong. You can do whatever you think it's right, but first impressions are forever.

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I never said he was not interested! Read again please.


This is classic Leigh reaction. I believe she projects her inner fears by reading into statements.


Leigh, you and I have gone round-and-round before (and you know it!) when you claim I have said something against you which was NEVER SAID or there is the supposition and projection of antagonism that has NEVER EXISTED.


This is why I was calling you out on getting so involved with someone again so quickly. These are the issues that we have been going through with you for ages and have yet to change.


I have no doubt the guy is into you. And you are into him. But I don't believe for a second that you are clear-headed enough in any regard to truly know what you are doing and to see the big picture of where you are going.


I have never wished anything but the best for you and believe that your true potential won't be seen until your mid-30s, at best... You are making 18-year old mistakes and your actions speak volumes in that regard.

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I really don't think forgetmenot75 is speaking out of turn here. I also don't think she said what she said because she can't find a guy or that she doesn't have faith in men. In fact, it sounds like from her experience, she's gained prospective. Other than the first few pages of posters pretty much egging you on in this...situation, you've received some sound advice.


I used to worry a lot that I would turn out like you, I used to be overweight and unpopular. I worried I'd get so starved for male attention that I'd be flattered by any little bit of it that came my way and go bonkers and bundle up the last few shreds of my self-worth in some guys opinion of or attraction to me. Thankfully I have not and I hope that years from now, by the time I get to be your age I still hold this same view.


There's nothing wrong with feeling a spark but the way you go on and on, putting this guy on a pedestal and offering no real reasoning behind it aside from the fact that he apparently really likes you is a bit troubling. It sounds like a recipe for disaster and no one wants to see you get hurt.






I have absolutely no regard for your opinion.


I have turned out well thanks. I don't NEED to hang onto every scrap of male attention, because I'm a great girl and I think a lot of guys would like me.


I genuinely like this guy and I've described why.


You wrongly assume that I am desperate and therefore need to hold onto any guy who paus me attention.


I have a full life of college, work and decent friends and guys whl take a liking to me. There is nothing desperate or un fulfilling about my life that drives me to pick guys I'm not into.


I turn a LOT of men down. Because I can't just bec interested in a guy due to him being nice and good looking.


I genuinely like this guy a lot and your assumptions are quiet negative and disgusting.

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This is classic Leigh reaction. I believe she projects her inner fears by reading into statements.


Leigh, you and I have gone round-and-round before (and you know it!) when you claim I have said something against you which was NEVER SAID or there is the supposition and projection of antagonism that has NEVER EXISTED.


This is why I was calling you out on getting so involved with someone again so quickly. These are the issues that we have been going through with you for ages and have yet to change.


I have no doubt the guy is into you. And you are into him. But I don't believe for a second that you are clear-headed enough in any regard to truly know what you are doing and to see the big picture of where you are going.


I have never wished anything but the best for you and believe that your true potential won't be seen until your mid-30s, at best... You are making 18-year old mistakes and your actions speak volumes in that regard.




That rude poster said the guy is only interested in me for SEX.


I don't believe her and think the guy is genuinely into me.


The last two guys she's been involved with have shown blatant signs of disinterest. Therefore she is projecting!


I'm a special girl with a unique set of qualities that are enough to make some lucky guy very happy.


I have learnt enough from my past relationships to know how to handle myself.


I don't think I'll do anything to screw it up.

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Omg! I'm not rude for saying what I think... You only want to hear people flattering you. I think you need a tranquilizer, and a good counselor.

It's weird though you need to say all the time what an awesome girl you are. Really??

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Leigh, just be careful... I think that is what some are just trying to say here.


If your relationship history starts out this way quite often, I would examine the underlying reasons... It's very easy to get caught up in lust. Neither of you know anything about the other, really. But, whose to say it won't work out.

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Omg! I'm not rude for saying what I think... You only want to hear people flattering you. I think you need a tranquilizer, and a good counselor.

It's weird though you need to say all the time what an awesome girl you are. Really??




I think I'm awesome.


And I don't know why you're so sure that this guy is only interested in sex.


How would you know whether he actually just loves being around me?


I find you to be a pretty negative person. It's rather severe of you to not believe that this guy actually finds me amazing as a person.

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Could be, as I said, there are always exceptions.

I truly wish you good luck, even though you keep saying how negative and rude I am. See? I'm not mad at you at all, because I think you are in a state of complete infatuation and you can't see things clearly.

Btw, you don't need to say how awesome you are, people should realize without you telling, because otherwise sounds a little, and just a little narcissistic ;)

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So, you not inviting me to the wedding, are you?




I don't even be friends with women who assume that a guy I'm really into only likes me for sex and that he surely doesn't think I'm amazing beyond the physical components of me.


My friends would never...... just ASSUME that a guy I liked wasn't truly into me?????


Like what the hell. I find it quiet alarming how you know neither me nor this guy yet you're ADAMANT that he only likes me while we have sex.


I'm baffled. How can you be so sure that the dude u have not even met or seen around me doesn't love, say, my personality?


Lol. My friends are more positive and upbeat....yet they would tell me if a guy wasn't into me still.

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Could be, as I said, there are always exceptions.

I truly wish you good luck, even though you keep saying how negative and rude I am. See? I'm not mad at you at all, because I think you are in a state of complete infatuation and you can't see things clearly.

Btw, you don't need to say how awesome you are, people should realize without you telling, because otherwise sounds a little, and just a little narcissistic ;)



I have plenty of really good quality people as my friends. I know not everyone likes me but it doesn't bother me since I attract enough great people.


Look. I'm the type of girl who only just meets someone and who would sit there and listen about their problems. I naturally comfort everyone. I am very empathetic. I'm the opposite of a narcissistic who doesn't have the capacity to care much for others due to being too wrapped up in themselves.


I think this guy thinks I'm a very sweet and funny girl


I have absolutely no doubt that he truly adores ME. and not just the sex.

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I'm super awesome with a great personality, myself. Can we talk about it for awhile here, or do I have to start my own thread about it?


I was simply saying that I think this guy is into me beyond sex.


I think it's mean of that poster to assume that there is little chance that this guy could actually be nuts about me. And he's just wanting sex.

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I will give you my perspective as a guy.


Yes Leigh I am sure right now he truly adores you. He probably is sincere when he tells you how nuts he is for you. I have no doubt that he is telling his friends over and over again about "this amazing girl I met this past weekend".


BUT the big question will be one month, three months, and so on down the line, when the high wears off. Will he (or you) feel the same way when the high wears off? Or will one of you feel that this was all too much too soon.


I can tell you as a man that it is quite possible to feel totally infatuated with someone in one week, and then feel suffocated a few month later. Especially because you both dove in so fast. Sometimes fairy-tale endings do happen though but they are rare.

Edited by Imajerk17
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You say you're great too much. It's socially not quite right to do that, even on the Internet. JSYK.




But … it has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU personally. Nobody here knows you. Maybe you're as spectacular as you constantly say you are; maybe not. We don't know. We are responding to the way you are communicating about this situation. Some of us are also taking into consideration all we have learned about you through your posting history over the past years.



There is no evidence for you to know that this guy is lying when he says I'm amazing.

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I was simply saying that I think this guy is into me beyond sex.

Then don't have sex with him for three months and see if he sticks around.

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Then don't have sex with him for three months and see if he sticks around.

Couple weeks, at least ;)

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I will give you my perspective as a guy.


Yes Leigh I am sure right now he truly adores you. He probably is sincere when he tells you how nuts he is for you. I have no doubt that he is telling his friends over and over again about "this amazing girl I met this past weekend".


BUT the big question will be one month, three months, and so on down the line, when the high wears off. Will he (or you) feel the same way when the high wears off? Or will one of you feel that this was all too much too soon.


I can tell you as a man that it is quite possible to feel totally infatuated with someone in one week, and then feel suffocated a few month later. Especially because you both dove in so fast. Sometimes fairy-tale endings do happen though but they are rare.



Oh I don't know what will happen in 3 months.


You're right.


I think I'm enough to keep a guy and I can see why a guy would want to remain close to me.


I don't know if he is that guy. I'll soon find out.

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Oh I don't know what will happen in 3 months.


You're right.


I think I'm enough to keep a guy and I can see why a guy would want to remain close to me.


I don't know if he is that guy. I'll soon find out.


I think you need to stop with this talk Leigh, about how you are "enough" or "great" (I get you didn't say that here) or "amazing" or whatever. Whether he keeps on being into you or not isn't all about how "enough" you might be or not, it is instead a lot about what is happening on his end.


I've made the mistake of coming on way too strong to women when I was younger a couple of times, and when I did it I really believed this was it. And then within a few months I wondered what I had gotten myself into. IN EACH CASE the woman was "enough".

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