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i've been trying to take this celexa and i had something like a bad reaction from it, it made me depressed instead, but it may have been hormonal instead.


i then tried zoloft but didn't like the way it made me feel. i also was taking it for obsessive thinking problems and it helped alot.


my obsessive thinking was about my b'f and i could not make decisions without long agonizing thoughts about what was better.


i was causing so many problems between my b'f and myself that he was ready to leave me. well the short of it is i got off all that crap and feel better now for it.


when i was on the celexa and zoloft it definitely helped with the obsessive thinking thingy, but it made me feel so wierd that i did not like it at all.


i liked it at first but once it settled in my system i did not like the way i felt. i actually felt more scared cause i new that i was being medicated to feel so different and i felt like i was losing myself.


i got off and since then i have tried to get back on the zoloft cause i know it helps somethings and it helped me alot but after reading these post today about the jealousy and control i'm really wondering if i need them.


i know i need some help, but since i've been off i've been doing fairly well. i do alot of internal thinking and even if i act out i go back and decipher what the hell i did and why and i lecture myself, i am very very hard on myself too, good, bad? i don't know but i am


i try to reinforce myself when i start with my stinkin thinkin, i think about how much my b'f puts into our relationship and am grateful to him, i think about the love i feel when he holds me, i think about how his mom said he is not a cheater.


it is hard to stay focused on these things and the last thing this hard working guy needs from me is to be drilled to death about other women.


i almost left him several times because of my own jealousy that is why i tried the meds. i don't want to take them but i don't want to continue hurting us either.

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Talk to your doctor, describe your feelings and reactions to medications, express your fears, and he/she can put you on drugs that will minimize these effects.


You have absolute and total control over your jealousy. Chemicals are simply not going to do that for you. Taking a drug for jealousy is like taking a drug to graduate college with honors.


Get yourself together. Relax. Work with your doctor to feel better. But I agree with you that minimizing your dependence on medication is absolutely the way to go.

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It sounds to me that you're focusing way too much on the beneficial effects of medication. How is your therapy going? Also, you don't mention trying what in my opinion, is the best ssri (class of drugs that celexa and zoloft are in, along with yet other drugs like Paxil and Luvox) out there, by far; Prozac.

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thank you paulie for the advise, unfortunately i don't trust prozac. i know there was alot of hype about it causing people to act crazy or suicidal or whatever, which has made me totally against prozac.


just knowing that that is a possibility has made me too uncomfortable to even think about trying it, but thank you for responding anyway...

It sounds to me that you're focusing way too much on the beneficial effects of medication. How is your therapy going? Also, you don't mention trying what in my opinion, is the best ssri (class of drugs that celexa and zoloft are in, along with yet other drugs like Paxil and Luvox) out there, by far; Prozac.
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I think you should read up on Prozac a little more, before dismissing it because of the ill-informed media hype that you may have been subjected to. Because it is the most well-known ssri, it is also the most maligned. I encourage you to reconsider.



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Many psychiatric patients are highly reluctant to take new medications of any kind. This stems from various fears, especially fear of the unknown since nobody knows which of the many possible side effects they may experience, if any at all.


I don't recommend that people read all the details on drugs because many of them have as a side effect unconsciouness, convulsions, death and other rather scary things that may happen once in a billion. The law and their insurance company require that they make this disclosure, even though in tests these may have occurred in people who had other more serious problems.


The way I would recommend someone take a medication that they have reservations about is to score it and to take bits of it at a time...until they become personally assured that the medication will be OK for them.


This lady is terrified that some new medication will have the same dissociative type side effects that some of her other stuff has had.


I think that Paxil, from what I have read, has the least side effects of most SSRI's and is quite effective. However, many millions of people have received life changing benefits from Prozac, including Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes (CBS) fame.


The patient has to be comfortable with whatever medication he/she is taking or the therapy just won't work.

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you are exactly right tony, i am scared to death already to try anything new because of the problems i have had and having heard what i heard about prozac i know i will never try it.


i have tried paxil with very good success tho but it killed my libido to the point where i could not even have an orgasm.


yes that is important to me cause i enjoy it very much. i decided to try the celexa once again not for the jealousy thingy this time tho but because i feel i do have some ocd tendencies and this may help.


i am suppose to go up to 20 mgs but i started my self out at 5 mgs for one week then will go up by 5 mgs until i either can't stand it no more or until i get there, which ever comes first.


today is my 2nd day at 5 mg and i feel better after having taken it, psychological or not i don't care, that is a good sign i hope.


thank you for helping me explain what i could not say to paulie and thank you paulie too. i'm assuming that is what you take and have had success with it? i'm happy for you!

Many psychiatric patients are highly reluctant to take new medications of any kind. This stems from various fears, especially fear of the unknown since nobody knows which of the many possible side effects they may experience, if any at all.


I don't recommend that people read all the details on drugs because many of them have as a side effect unconsciouness, convulsions, death and other rather scary things that may happen once in a billion. The law and their insurance company require that they make this disclosure, even though in tests these may have occurred in people who had other more serious problems. The way I would recommend someone take a medication that they have reservations about is to score it and to take bits of it at a time...until they become personally assured that the medication will be OK for them. This lady is terrified that some new medication will have the same dissociative type side effects that some of her other stuff has had. I think that Paxil, from what I have read, has the least side effects of most SSRI's and is quite effective. However, many millions of people have received life changing benefits from Prozac, including Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes (CBS) fame. The patient has to be comfortable with whatever medication he/she is taking or the therapy just won't work.

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