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Boyfriend and best friend ?? ?

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So my on and off again boyfriend (well exboyfriend) now has made a confession to me. Before I tell you what he said my best friend and I just became friends again because he told me she was showing him her body parts. So we stopped talking for like a year I had to let that relationship with me and her go although I e still talked to him which I know is dumb on my behalf. The only reason me and her talked again is because she apologized to me out the blue and I forgave her and put that situation in the past. So now he tells me a few years ago before I stopped talking to her , him and her and another guy and girl had an orgy. So now I'm hurt and lost in my thoughts but I decided to not assume anything until I asked her because after all she is my "friend". When I asked her she told me that's a lie an he kept trying to have sex with her and she kept turning him down. She also went as far to say put them both on three way so we can has it out. I don't know what to believe and who to trust. Just a little background around that time yes she was a whore with many guys but she was my friend so I didn't think she do anything whorish to me. He also had his faults to but he has never lied about who he slept with. My whole family believes she done it by I don't know what to think. Also she keeps bringing up how she wouldn't do that to me and she don't know why he'd make such a lie about her. Who should I believe what should I do ? I know they're both going to keep sticking to their word nobody going to say they're lying . Currently I told him were remaining friends because i need to figure things out and with me and her idk it's just silence . What should I do ? I'm hurt ? And why did he wait all these years to tell me after I forgave her for something else and our bond is stronger than before ? Idk of I can forgive both of them for this I knew her since h.s. we're practically like sisters

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Don't be afraid to share your opinions , whether good or bad I need to know something . Plus I yearn for a level head this is draining my mind

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Are you still talking to the guy (your ex)? If so, stop. He sounds like a terrible person.


I would also not be talking to this female "friend," personally. Even if she disputes the orgy, it doesn't sound like she disputes that she had some kind of inappropriate contact with your ex, right? Real friends don't do that, and I don't give second chances for stuff like that.

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Are you still talking to the guy (your ex)? If so, stop. He sounds like a terrible person.


I would also not be talking to this female "friend," personally. Even if she disputes the orgy, it doesn't sound like she disputes that she had some kind of inappropriate contact with your ex, right? Real friends don't do that, and I don't give second chances for stuff like that.


This exactly. I'm sorry, OP, they both sound toxic.

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Yet again, nescafe said exactly what I was going to say.


Why does your family think your friend is guilty? Do you find their assessments are usually pretty accurate?

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Nescafe1982 that's exactly why I don't really put anything past her . After the first incident I forgave her but kept an eye on her . and yes we still remain friends me and my ex but its so hard I hate him and I hate to say it but I do. I can't forgive her for this but it's like she's denying it so who do I believe. Serial muse and Amusing as soon as my family heard what my ex told me they think she did it because of how big of a whore she is . It's just hard to think about

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I'm not sure you have to believe or disbelieve anyone. Who cares what parts of this story are true and which are false?


Bottom line is both of these people are toxic. I would distance myself from both of them.

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