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I cheated..the whole story...

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K- you may not like my advice either but here goes...


This LDR is making you a complete headcase- you always feel guilty about something- if not cheating than about thinking he's cheating- if not about going out w/out him than about being mad at him for doing stuff w/out you


I think honesty would relieve this guilt- that's not to say you need to tell him about your kiss- but that you're always in turmoil about your LDR


Then- I think you should tell him you want to relax the intensity of your relationship until he's closer- Not saying you wanna ho around- but that you should BOTH have the option of dating others until he's nearby- If you know you wouldn't sleep w/anyone else even w/this liberty than you should KNOW he wouldn't either (if you don't that may say something bout the whole relationship)- but the ability to flirt and date w/out feeling like you are "cheating" will relieve some of your guilt and make you actually feel closer to each other in the end- If he's not up to that then he should be willing to put a ring on your hand and let his intentions to marry you be known b/c that's the level of commitment he's demanding of you (he's demanding b/c it's HIS choice to be gone if he were closer you could casually date each other w/out so much need for reassurance and attachment)


Know what I mean?



BTW- your avatar IS hot! ;)

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I know I love my Faye....


Like I already told you Faye thank you for listening..Thank you all!!! :)


I leave in a couple hours..I couldn't eat lunch I am too nervous...but I will try to eat at the airport...


Oh man I love these butterflies though...


My co-worker and I were joking at the fact that I'm such a klutz and that i will walk of the plane and he'll be waiting for me and then we will run to eachother in slow motion....

with arms outstretched...like in the movies and I will trip over something, you know that invisible thing on the floor people always trip over, and he will catch me and we will laugh and live happily ever after...


lol anyways though..ahhh the countdown continues....I can't wait to update tomorrow.

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EC I do miss you, hon, and I do care. I just have no time. Plus, this computer erases cookies every thirty minutes, so just when I get what I want to say typed in, it deletes me and everything I've typed.


Here is my opinion:


You know I love you like a sista, so let me treat you like I would one of mine: get out while you're still sane.


You wouldn't have cheated unless you were really unhappy. That is a big deal, EC. Not only do you feel like crap about it, but you don't think your relationship is going to make it over a kiss.


He expects more out of you then what he is willing to give. His behavior is fishy and crappy, and when you go out and do the same things he does you get in trouble. Double standards suck, and also they are indicative of the fact that he's probably messing around on you.


Get out while you can still have a friendship with him. You deserve to enjoy your life, EC, and he makes you unhappy. However you choose to play it off, this relationship will probably not end well if things keep going the way they have been.






Ps. Ima call you tonight.

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Hey guys!!! I made it!


I have been having way to much fun to post and I miss you guys man.


I am so relieved. Everyone here is so nice and I even met the girls from the Hurricane incident, you know the girls that live across the hall and OMG I have absolutely NOTHING to worry about. Everyone knows my name, and about me and he really does have pictures of me everywhere. The girls are really nice and they even invited me out for drinks and told me I had a place to come visit if I was ever in town.


Im just so shocked because I was so worried and wow can a guy really be this good?


He just went to class and I am sitting here on his computer in his boxers eating his cereal lol but I freaking woke up with PINK EYE this morning so today sucks. My eye is like swollen half shut and crusty..eeeewww I know. And he went out and bought me some drops and still loves me even though it looks like a bee attacked my face.


We have been to parties, clubs, and dinner and everything is just so perfect. He even cleans his bathtub, washede dishes, and puts the toilet seat down. Maybe he is gay? lol


I haven't told him and don't think I will. Everything is too perfect. Some things are just better left unsaid u know?


Well I'll try to post again when I get a chance, and if not HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone! Kisses and Hugs EC!

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Oh yeah EC, you have to make sure you logged off and that you erase any trace of LS or he can go into it. At work it's easy to see where everyone has gone that's why I have to keep clearing my recent searches ect. I don't want my boss seeing all my personal stuff :p


Anyways hope you are having fun :)

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