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Long distance bf and friend

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Hey Friends


If you are in LDR with someone and you didn't like the person when you met them in person will you still pretend to love them or you will just let them know.


I was in this situation where i met my long distance boyfriend he was fine with me thoughout our meeting which gave me a feeling that he likes me and cares fo me but then my world turned upside down when he met my friend during the same meeting and was showing more interest in her but then when he was with me again he was again in that "loving caring" mode...


He didn't broke up with me for 5 months although he didnt talked properly to me even during that 5 months.Now he is giving me excuses that he breaking up cuz his parents are not ready for this relation and he can't go against them and after this very incident he proposed my friend(whom he met duing our first meeting).He is not Talking to me but as my sister is also a friend of that friend of mine...he is trying to convince my sister that he did wrong to me but that was out of his control as he got attracted to my friend and now as he can't see us together so he is looking forward to that friend of mine"...I am no longer talking to my boyfriend or my friend


Also, there is a back story to "that friend of mine and my boyfriend"...


I was suppose to visit my boyfriend country but then i changed my mind and went to my home country..during that time(2 days) we broke up and he started talking to this very friend of mine (she is in the same country as my boyfriend)..he proposed her and she told me about that...i told her that he was dating me before she just blocked him and stopped talking to him..and then he came back to me and gave me a story that he was flirting with her to make me jealous as he knows she will tell me about it"


And then when we met(me and my boyfriend) coincidently that friend was there and i thought about clearing there issues as after all she is my friend and he's my boyfriend..and during that meeting "he was attracted to her"


My boyfriend says"He was attracted to her very first time he contacted her bu then though that it's not right so he came back to me"-----whereas i think he was just using me to get intouch with her again as she was not talking to him...:love:


My Friend says"She feels that his feelings for her are genuine and when i askd her o delete him from her facebook ..."she said i don't hate him but i don't like him either and the last time i talked to her..."i asked her are you still talking to him" but she said no...and i get to know that they are talking....:(:(:(



why would a friend of mine lie to me for a guy she just met and whom she knows was my boyfriend

...is it something that my boyfriend have told her something to win her trust...that now she longer even care to talk to me about it ...or she hiding that she is talking to him as she doesnt want to hurt me :sick::sick::sick:

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