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Is he messing with my head?


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This guy Sam worked for my dad's construction company. He started to become obsessive of me and my dad, my dad he looked at as a father figure and me well he was constantly trying to have sex with me, date me and so on. I declined cause I just want friends and I don't want a hookup or a BF. He adored my dad cause his dad died and was abusive and a drug addict so he clung to my dad. I had so much fun with Sam! I loved having him around, and hanging out with him, and I considered him as a friend! He was apart of our family but tables turned. Sam was on Facebook and he has my mom on his friends list, so he said he was working tomorrow, and my dad told my mom to tell Sam that he doesn't need him for work on Saturday, but he will need him Monday and that whole week.


Well Sam got really mad and said "That is the final f**kin straw! I am done, never working for Bob ever again, how could he do this to me? I thought we were friends, and he does this? I hope he f**kin dies! I hate his guts" We all were shocked and didn't understand why he reacted that way, and then he texted my brother and said "I hate your dad he hurt my feelings. I am never working for him again, I hate him! I hope he dies!" He defriended my mom on Facebook, when my mom was being super nice and neutral. I was waiting for my vicious texts from him but this what he texts me the next day.


Sam: Your daughter, shut the f**k up you stupid piece of sh*t, you are useless all you did was donate your sperm, your nothing, your a loser!"

Sam: How should I respond to that?

Me: Who said that to you?

Sam: Lacy lol (his ex)

Me: Oh I would say "I have proven myself as a father, and my priority is my daughter. The name calling is immature, and we should be civil towards each other for the sake of our daughter. It's a matter of opinion if someone is useless, not facts, so please be mature and civil for our daughter."

He didn't respond, but the next day he spoke to one of my dad's workers and he was saying how much he hates my dad, and that he is done with "The Smiths" "I should have never got involved with The Smiths" But then hmy brother said he posted on FB "I hope you die a million ways you piece of sh*t." Then he texts me 3 hours later.


Sam: Should I copy and paste that? Or should I put that into my own words? lol

Me: I would act you like said that, the point is you should either respond civlily or not respond at all, trust me she'll be stumped.

Sam: I tried that before where I wouldnt respond and she just got even more angry she wasn't stumped lol

Me: Well that proves right there she is stumped if she got more aggressive, that means you didn't give her what she wanted, therefore can't handle your reaction.


Why is he messing with my head? If he is done with "The Smiths" Then why is he texting me? I am confused and hurt, I am also depressed cause I loved him as a friend and loved having him around, but he just flew off his hinges. He told me he had Bipolar Disorder, but I think he has Personality Disorder, and I think he is having manic episode, but I could be wrong. Well what do you think on why he is texting me and messing with my head??? Thank you

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