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Guys : What does a **flashy car** do for you ?

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Hey this question is for Guys : How important is a flashy cool car to you ?

If a guy has a very cool car does it mean he is using it as a * chick Magnet * or as some sort of attention getter ? Any input is appreciated....

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Hmmmm I'm sure it depends on the guy.... but I drive a Jaguar and I dont think of it as a "chick magnet". There is definately some image involved with it but for me it is more of a corporate image that I am projecting for business purposes and to be honest, it is a real pleasure to drive!

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Hmmm a flashy car as a girl getter...


You know, IMO while it's nice to date a guy who has a nice car thats kept clean... I wouldn't date someone based on what they drove nor choose to NOT date someone based on what they drove.


Obviously I wouldn't really be all about a guy coming to pick me up in a minivan :eek: OR a pacer :laugh: but again, I wouldn't not date someone simply based on this alone.


I have to say too... when me and my gf's see a much older guy out in a corvette... we're always like "Wow, sorry to hear about your penis issues" :laugh: maybe not true... but I think sometimes these guys get these cars as a substitute... know what I'm saying.


Um.. so yeah.. LOL I haven't slept much.. so maybe this doesn't make any sense.

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Originally posted by Merin2

Hmmm a flashy car as a girl getter...


You know, IMO while it's nice to date a guy who has a nice car thats kept clean... I wouldn't date someone based on what they drove nor choose to NOT date someone based on what they drove.


Obviously I wouldn't really be all about a guy coming to pick me up in a minivan :eek: OR a pacer :laugh: but again, I wouldn't not date someone simply based on this alone.


I have to say too... when me and my gf's see a much older guy out in a corvette... we're always like "Wow, sorry to hear about your penis issues" :laugh: maybe not true... but I think sometimes these guys get these cars as a substitute... know what I'm saying.


Um.. so yeah.. LOL I haven't slept much.. so maybe this doesn't make any sense.


^ She's right. Flashy cars pick up chicks. If someone really wanted to pick up chicks... DJ @ house parties! :laugh:


Getting back to the point, in my opinion, guys who drive "flashy" cars do it to get noticed by the opposite sex. :)

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I've managed to go my entire life without a car - until a few years ago. I did have a Merc SLK for about 2 minutes, but no back seat & it turned out to be a car that you only ever saw blonde chicks driving ! So the next car my only considerations were that it was big enough for 4 people & a dog.

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I don't know how it works for guys but I just got a new, flashy red car and I'm getting more attention from men. I call it my "gay divorcee" car. Weirdly, it makes me happy - I smile every time I walk into the garage and see it sitting there.

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You know what they say.... The flashier the car the smaller the "equipment"....


(I have no first hand knowledge of this, however!)

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I definately got more attention from female drivers when I drove a vette. Seriously I could name a dozen times girls would yell something at me when we were at a stop light or driving down the road. It has yet to happen once now that I'm driving a small econo-car :(:p

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A flashy, expensive car is a major chick-magnet. If you are some dude who valets his vette or mercedes or whatever and some chix see you then you are already in with them without saying a word.


Most wierdo serial killers cannot afford a $50,000 sports or luxury car.


Remember, women look for a man with money and men look for beautiful women.


I had a convertible red vette for 4 years and it was so funny to pick up women on the first date in it. They would pretend they were not impressed but you could totally tell that they were.


If a woman ever says that she does not care what type of car a man drives then she is lying thru her teeth.

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Originally posted by alphamale

A flashy, expensive car is a major chick-magnet. If you are some dude who valets his vette or mercedes or whatever and some chix see you then you are already in with them without saying a word.


Most wierdo serial killers cannot afford a $50,000 sports or luxury car.


Remember, women look for a man with money and men look for beautiful women.


I had a convertible red vette for 4 years and it was so funny to pick up women on the first date in it. They would pretend they were not impressed but you could totally tell that they were.


If a woman ever says that she does not care what type of car a man drives then she is lying thru her teeth.


:lmao: Okay.. you keep believing that.

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I WILL keep believing that. Nice cars and other nice things generally impress people be they male or female. That is why people spend the money on them.


So you would not be impressed if some dude you met picked you up in a convertible mercedes and then took you out for a $300 dinner at some 4 star restaurant.


That would impress most women. Just keep in mind the following:


Most men would love to date a supermodel but there aren't enuf to go around

Most women would love to date a rich man but there aren't enuf to go around

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Originally posted by alphamale




So you would not be impressed if some dude you met picked you up in a convertible mercedes and then took you out for a $300 dinner at some 4 star restaurant.


Thats MERIN with an M.


AND NO I wouldn't be impressed.


You can have a million bucks in the bank, a super nice car AND still be a jackass.

Money and material things don't make up for that.

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Originally posted by Merin2

You can have a million bucks in the bank, a super nice car AND still be a jackass.


This is totally true Merin2, but....


A man could be $100,000 in debt, drive a 10 yr old minivan AND still be a jackass!

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Originally posted by alphamale

This is totally true Merin2, but....


A man could be $100,000 in debt, drive a 10 yr old minivan AND still be a jackass!


Agreed, and you know what.. I wouldn't date him either!

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I would not be impressed with how much money he had , but rather how he treated people who could do absolutely nothing for him in return...


His character and his level of kindness would far more important .


Yes , there are girls who look for the money...but you know " You get what you get " and thats exactly what you get when you place value on yourself by how much you own...She is going to be going after the cash....not after YOU and when the cash dries up ....so does she....Poof ! Gone !

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm with you gorgeous!


I couldn't care less how much money a woman had, or what she drove. In fact,




Too much hassle with guys in flashy cars. Certainly not that I'm worried she'd run off with them, but guys are a disrespectful lot on the whole.


I drive a 96 honda civic, My heart and my head are in the right places, and Alpha, I gotta say, I flat out disagree that a woman who doesn't care about a car is lying. I think she's a real live person! And the kind of person I'd want to date.


Alpha, let the real people into your life. I know there are a lot of idiots out there. and you may have let them jade you in this area. But Merin is dead on! I would drop a chick like a fetid hot potato if she had a problem with what kinda car I had. She just flat out wouldn't be worthy of me.


And BTW, I planning on buying a 2004 Harley Davidson Fatboy this month. It's expensive, AND chicks like it. But I'm not buying it to impress ANYONE, I'm buying it because >I< LIKE it!

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Originally posted by MassiveAtom

I'm with you gorgeous!


I couldn't care less how much money a woman had, or what she drove. In fact,




Too much hassle with guys in flashy cars. Certainly not that I'm worried she'd run off with them, but guys are a disrespectful lot on the whole.


I drive a 96 honda civic, My heart and my head are in the right places, and Alpha, I gotta say, I flat out disagree that a woman who doesn't care about a car is lying. I think she's a real live person! And the kind of person I'd want to date.


Alpha, let the real people into your life. I know there are a lot of idiots out there. and you may have let them jade you in this area. But Merin is dead on! I would drop a chick like a fetid hot potato if she had a problem with what kinda car I had. She just flat out wouldn't be worthy of me.


And BTW, I planning on buying a 2004 Harley Davidson Fatboy this month. It's expensive, AND chicks like it. But I'm not buying it to impress ANYONE, I'm buying it because >I< LIKE it!


^5 MA;)

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Originally posted by alphamale

So you would not be impressed if some dude you met picked you up in a convertible mercedes and then took you out for a $300 dinner at some 4 star restaurant.



It all depends why he does it. If he likes to treat women nice and he happens to have money then that just adds to his charm, but if he does it to show off, IT IS THE MOST UNAPPEALING thing to do :sick:

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I would not be impressed with how much money he had , but rather how he treated people who could do absolutely nothing for him in return...


I completely agree. And I don't give a flying flip if the guy is rich or the car is posh. What might be important:

how he drives. If he's got road rage, speeds when it's not safe, parks illegally and is generally a careless boor as a driver, not interested. If he has a car he can't be bothered to clean all the food wrappers and other junk out of, when he's coming to pick me up, forget it. If the car is old and well-cared-for, fine. If the car is old and totally neglected, again another story.


I drive a 96 honda civic


And here we have someone with eminent good sense - Honda makes great cars :D I love my little red Civic (which is even older than that!) and it's getting old but it's all paid for long ago. I'll baby it until it gives up the ghost from old age. No car payments, great insurance rates, and even great resale value still. Give me the guy who makes intelligent economic decisions over going for flash and fantasy any old day.

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