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friend denied sleeping with me to people


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i am close with my best guy friend and we have hooked up three times in two months...

we live in a small town and everyone talks.

my friend and i were hanging out last night and he said he had a confession...

he said his friend asked if him and i have been hooking up and said people have been saying we have sex on a regular basis. ..

my friend told me he denied ever having sex with me...

i asked him if he was ashamed of sleeping with me and he said no...your awesome. i think your beautiful..i guess he caught me off gaurd with the question and we dont have sex all the time.its only been a couple times.

i felt kinda hurt but said i like my life private..


he asked me if we should tell ppl we havent slept together if they ask ..i just changed topic.

i dont want to over analyize this but has anyone had this happen...?

im not sure how to feel since i told a couple people about us..

should i brush it off or call him out?

at least he was honest.


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he asked me if we should tell ppl we havent slept together if they ask ..i just changed topic.


He asked you a question that should have been pretty easy for you to answer. The question was, "Should we tell people we've slept together?" The question was not, "Should we tell people we're dating or romantically involved?" So, first things first, come up with an answer to his yes or no question.


You seem a little offended that he told someone he didn't sleep with you. I think you took it as a personal insult. But, really, I think he was trying to take your feelings into account. Not telling is kind of the polite thing to do. Don't kiss and tell, and all that. Would you rather he tell people, "Yup. We totally banged. Thrice, actually."

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you are right. i did take it as a personal insult ...i saw this happen before with my buddy. she slept with a guy and he completely denied it because he was legitly embarressed. .. i agree with the dont kiss and tell..and i guess it isnt anyones business. i just automatically thought about what happened to my friend.

thank u for your feedback

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He was being respectful. He may be interested in more than friends based on his compliments, not sure. Maybe he just appreciates that you have a lot of great qualities. Regardless of that, what you need to know is the following:


Men typically have the urge to tell as many people as possible that we got laid. It shows the other people (in our caveman minds) that we are manly and are sought after by women. It's an ego boost.


It takes self-control and respect for the woman that shared herself with you to not go out and brag about it. Be happy he's a nice guy.


It does sound like he was trying to earn brownie points though, by bringing it up rather than being asked. Or, he may be asking you if it's okay for him to brag, because he is dying to tell the world about his great time with you and his manly accomplishment. :rolleyes:

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