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She did it with him, why not with me?

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I am just hoping I can change that I get me some of that action.


You won't. You might as well pack this relationship in. You'll never get over it and you'll probably be rolling around in a blanket clutching a bottle of whiskey listening to "Wildfire" by Michael Martin Murphy over and over crying a river over the fact that your squeeze was the online cock gobbler holding a sign and you are getting bubkes within a matter of a few weeks and you'll let it destroy you.:laugh:

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You guys are all so boring, where's the sense of adventure?


I took a gamble and asked about the pics, she knew they were there and was going to show me 'one day'. I asked why not with me and she said those days were behind her.


I can be pretty persuasive when I want to be and finally she has agreed that we can do it. See! If I followed the advice here this wouldn't have happened.


She said we should ask her ex because she would be comfortable with him and they said yes. We only did a little bit of kissing and stuff today but we are having a 'party' next weekend. It is incredible kissing another woman while my gf watches. How can you guys say I shouldn't have gone after this.


Deep down people don't change. She changed on the outside because that's what is expected as you grow up. Once she knew she was with someone who was open to this she let down her false exterior and now I will get to explore these things along side her.


People need to be true to themselves rather than change because society expects them to as they get older.

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Good work.


Yr ok with yr "gf" ****ing her ex, who is married with a kid.


I call total BS on yr story.


If true I guess u don't care a whole lot about this girl. But I suppose the signs were there in yr original post.

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You guys are all so boring, where's the sense of adventure?


I took a gamble and asked about the pics, she knew they were there and was going to show me 'one day'. I asked why not with me and she said those days were behind her.


I can be pretty persuasive when I want to be and finally she has agreed that we can do it. See! If I followed the advice here this wouldn't have happened.


She said we should ask her ex because she would be comfortable with him and they said yes. We only did a little bit of kissing and stuff today but we are having a 'party' next weekend. It is incredible kissing another woman while my gf watches. How can you guys say I shouldn't have gone after this.


Deep down people don't change. She changed on the outside because that's what is expected as you grow up. Once she knew she was with someone who was open to this she let down her false exterior and now I will get to explore these things along side her.


People need to be true to themselves rather than change because society expects them to as they get older.

I'll respond although my gut is that this is totally fictitious to get a rise out of people.


IF this is true, my prediction is that your "girlfriend" is going to end up resenting you for forcing this on her and leave you in short order. OR she's going to end up cheating on you with her ex.


Hope it was worth it!*



*Again, IF it's true which I have serious doubts about.

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Spot on.


You want an adventurous gf - you picked the wrong one.


This one had her share of fun and will not share any with you just because you didn't experience it. I have my opinion on this, but it doesn't matter now.


What matters is you can either put up with this and more than likely be miserable or break up and find a better match.



Do not hold back your opinion.

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I call total BS on yr story.


*Again, IF it's true which I have serious doubts about.


I really don't care whether this is believed or not. To be honest it's hard to believe the advice I'm getting. I come here asking why my gf isn't doing these things with me and how I can change that and all I get is a bunch of wowsers telling me I should just accept she doesn't want to.


Well wasn't that bad advice! She was just being who society wanted her to be and now she can be the real her. She can now do these things with me without the fear of not living up to some outsider, preachy, boring persons view of who they think she should be.


I got better advice from my car forum and body building forum.

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Yes, accept b/c if you truly care about someone, you don't try to change them so that they become who you want them to be.


It's called being in a grown up, responsible relationship.

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Yes, accept b/c if you truly care about someone, you don't try to change them so that they become who you want them to be.


It's called being in a grown up, responsible relationship.


You have it mixed up. She was changing to please to the moral police, the wowsers. She was changing to fit into society's mould.


I have allowed her to be free, free to do whatever she wants. And this is what she wants and I'm along for the ride.


Allowing someone to be who they truly want to be without judgement is called being in a grown up, responsible relationship. I am doing just that.

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So, there you are again, whining about a new problem regarding your girlfriend's sexual past. Discussing intimate things about your girlfriend with someone else. Gently bullying her into doing things with you, because - if she had done them before with someone else, she must do them with you, too. Everybody knows that that's a rule. :rolleyes:


The respect you have for your girlfriend is palpable. I suggest you start calling her "slut" to get her into the mood if she refuses your advances to satisfy your petty ego.

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You have it mixed up. She was changing to please to the moral police, the wowsers. She was changing to fit into society's mould.


I have allowed her to be free, free to do whatever she wants. And this is what she wants and I'm along for the ride.


Allowing someone to be who they truly want to be without judgement is called being in a grown up, responsible relationship. I am doing just that.


Congrats on getting your desires met. Your relationship is about to go to another level and the bonds of love are going to become even stronger. Nothing like being one's true self in a relationship and being accepted for what/who you are. THAT's REAL LOVE. Most folks here have zero clue about such things, just check out all the crybabies on LS, pay no mind to these unfulfilled squares. Enjoy that 60's vibe you guys got going on. I tip my hat to you sir.

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If this thread is true, all 4 of you need to consider the fact that your GF's ex and partner are parents, which means there are kids involved. Don't think children don't notice what's happening around them, they work it out in their own way.


My old man used to do the stuff you're talking about, they thought they hid it from me but I knew about it from a very young age. As an adult, I'm still dealing with the damage.

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