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A gift of chocolate in the office - Is that a romantic gesture?

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I had a few brief work-related conversations with a guy in another department who I never see in the office. I flirted my little head off and he was receptive but very shy. I think he likes me cuz he grins and smiles at me, and hey, a girl can tell these things. I did him a very small favor at work a week ago (got him a book for a project he's completing) and he bought me a box of a dozen chocolates as a thank-you the next day! A box of chocolates!! Isn't that significant in some way? I sent him a thank you email and asked him, in a somewhat flirty manner, to stop by and say hi, that I'd like to see him again to chat. But a week and a half later and I haven't received a reply email or seen him at all. Was he just being nice professionally by buying me the candy, or is there more to it? The favor was NOTHING, so I think that there was a romantic motivation in buying me the gift. Is there anything else I can do at this point to make sure he knows I like him? It's impossible to see him in the office, otherwise. We never run into each other. I have no other work-related reason to call him or email him again. Please tell me what you make of this. If he was making it clear that he likes me, I don't want the opportunity to pass by. He's a really great guy :) Thanks for reading :)

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It sounds good but it sounds like he is the shy type. I would suggest that you contact him and say you found a cute little resturant recently and you would love to invite him out to lunch. Let's see what he says. I have had this done previously to me a couple of time and it certainly worked on me. Good Luck.

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A box of chocolates!! Isn't that significant in some way?


He lacks imagination?


Seriously though, it was a polite gesture. Sounds like someone taught this guy some manners.


Is there anything else I can do at this point to make sure he knows I like him?


You could hunt him down, pin him to the wall & show him?


You've made enough overtures to him, don't 'ya think? You've flirted with him, done him a favour & invited him to visit you for a chat. I would say he knows that you're interested - leave it to him now to make a move.

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Almost all women love chocolate, so it's almost always gift that will be well received. I wouldn't try to make too much out of it. Some people just enjoy doing nice things for others.

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