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My gf cheated right on my birthday

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A couple of things...


I keep saying it over and over: any relationship over 1 year that continues into dating for years, they never work out. People lie and cheat, and only hold onto each other because of fear they won't find someone else.


Another thing that rings true: Actions speak louder than words. She slept with another man. She now is apologizing. Her apology is meaningless.


Best course of revenge is to block her out of your life. The Facebook delete is the right start. Now block her phone number. Once the pain subsides, find yourself a new woman.

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When exes want you back they stoop low, say mean things, guilt trip, etc.

If you block....you will never have to see any of this. Making it easier for you to move on faster.


I agree.


I can speak from my experiences as a man.


When a woman says mean things, it means she's hurt and is out to get under your skin. When a woman lays a guilt trip, it means she is hoping you're a sap, will forgive her, thus she can have her cake and eat it, too (she cheats, has her fun, gets forgiveness, everything is back to normal, until she does it all over again.)

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This double shocking is making me reconsider the relationship and her remorse. I've been with my gf for almost 3 years and my birthday is on April 7. I had marriage in my mind for some time but she threw it all away.


Well to make a long story short, last way she nearly stood me up on my birthday but stop at 10:45 PM, when the day was practically over and the people were leaving. She got my present and apologized profusely and how her boss made her take a double shift. I believed her because it seemed real and I no where did it cross my mind that she would cheat on me, much less on an important day.


I found out she cheated last week but I didn't think it was on my b-day. She didn't want to answer the when question claiming that she didn't know exactly and that it would be too painful. This made me even more pissed off and after I kept insisting, I finally get the answer. It had to be that my last year's b-day party, the day she almost stood me up.


It had been a regular day, I might have maybe consider work it out but now I don't know. She has been in tears since then and is begging for another chance. Out of all the days in the year, why on my own damn b-day???

Cheaters don't deserve any answer or explaination.They should think about how much the other person have worked to be with them.How much care and love they always hoped to give them.Its sad she threw away the real thing she could have with you.

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I read this several days ago. It's one of the most disgusting ways to cheat on someone you claimed to love. If I were you, I would get even on the closest day, which is Thanksgiving.

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