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My gf cheated right on my birthday

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Hi, I'm new here and have never been on a forum. I was trying to write my story and my post didn't show up so I'm copying and pasting what I said before. Here goes:


This double shocking is making me reconsider the relationship and her remorse. I've been with my gf for almost 3 years and my birthday is on April 7. I had marriage in my mind for some time but she threw it all away.


Well to make a long story short, last way she nearly stood me up on my birthday but stop at 10:45 PM, when the day was practically over and the people were leaving. She got my present and apologized profusely and how her boss made her take a double shift. I believed her because it seemed real and I nowhere did it cross my mind that she would cheat on me, much less on an important day.


I found out she cheated last week but I didn't think it was on my b-day. She didn't want to answer the when question claiming that she didn't know exactly and that it would be too painful. This made me even more pissed off and after I kept insisting, I finally get the answer. It had to be that my last year's b-day party, the day she almost stood me up.


It had been a regular day, I might have maybe consider work it out but now I don't know. She has been in tears since then and is begging for another chance. Out of all the days in the year, why on my own damn b-day???

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Can someone tell me why would a gf do that? Right now I'm feeling worse than a loser. I can't get over it being on my special day.


I really thought she had a double shift that day but apparently the only ''double shift'' was with drunk with an acquaintance she knew. I even recently talked to someone at her job and she told my gf left at 4 pm that day.:mad::(

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Why? People are malicious and therefore do these types of things. it is her fault, she is a whore. People do all kinds of things, simply because they want too. Evil ppl out there, stupid ones too.


She's no good.

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Dude, on your birthday? She was in the room getting railed by some other guy when she could have been by your side on your special day. At that moment, she wanted to be with someone else other than you and spent the majority of the night in bed with another dude; with your present probably next to her...



Dude, move on. There are a lot of disrespectful things people can do to each other, but that's at the bottom of the barrel.

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What difference does it make if it was your birthday. The fact of the matter is she cheated on you. Doesn't matter what day it is.


If you had marriage in mind. Keep it there under lock and key. She's showing you her true colors and on her own raising a big red flag that says, "Beware" on it. Now the only one that can do anything about it is you. This the kind of girl you want to spend the rest of your life with?

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I agree with everyone else. This is about a low as it gets. But I'll add one more thought... this is just the tip of the iceberg. I suspect sociopathic tendencies. Drop her now and don't even look back. Nobody deserves this.

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Yes salparadise she has got to be a sociopath to do this. What person cold person would screw someone else while their bf/gf was having a b-day party and only show up when it's almost over!!!

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What difference does it make if it was your birthday. The fact of the matter is she cheated on you. Doesn't matter what day it is.
It makes it even more despicable. The fact that it was done on my b-day, it means she not only cheated but must really hate me deep down and consider me less than even an animal. I wouldn't even think of doing something so disgusting not even to my worst enemy.
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It makes it even more despicable. The fact that it was done on my b-day, it means she not only cheated but must really hate me deep down and consider me less than even an animal. I wouldn't even think of doing something so disgusting not even to my worst enemy.





There is your answer, why waste anymore time or energy on this one you already know there is no recovery, read your post again and again and again.

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