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Sigh...I know this is going to sound like the old love story from the past but I haven't dated since I was in Grade 11. :eek: And I miss it. I miss having a boyfriend. I miss having those first few times where you touch each other and you're all giddy. You know what I'm talking about or is this just jabbering? Anywho, I miss that. I don't want to end up an Old Maid! :mad:

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Well I am going through sort of the same thing. I miss those feelings to and hope that one say I will be able to have them again. It seems like when we are in high school that you really do have alot of realtionships and get to have alot of fun with that and once you get out you date other people but there aren't the same feelings anymore. I had jsut posted a thread and someone said that they had jsut read yours and that we had the same kind of feelings that maybe it would eb a love connection...lol.. Well I thought I might say hi and maybe get to know you a little bit that maybe we could help each other out..

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Originally posted by brandon9205

Well I am going through sort of the same thing. I miss those feelings to and hope that one say I will be able to have them again. It seems like when we are in high school that you really do have alot of realtionships and get to have alot of fun with that and once you get out you date other people but there aren't the same feelings anymore. I had jsut posted a thread and someone said that they had jsut read yours and that we had the same kind of feelings that maybe it would eb a love connection...lol.. Well I thought I might say hi and maybe get to know you a little bit that maybe we could help each other out..


Yay! Go Brandon it's your birthday!


It was me, who suggested you check out her thread... so there will be no "Finders fee" if it all works out LOL!

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Originally posted by rockstarmusician

LOL. Well, thanks to Merin2. :)

Brandon - do you have msn or aol?


:laugh: You're welcome!


I don't know if you can PM Brandon.. because he has an unconfirmed account.. hopefully he will "fix this" and you two can chat;)

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I'm 28, turn 29 in 36 days. I have had only 1 girlfriend in my life and the relationship lasted for about 7 months. It was when i was 19 and was the summer after my freshman year of college. My girlfriend was 16. She was depressed when i met her and said i helped her out of her depression. the relationship lasted until alittle after valentines day, it became a long distance relationship because i was in college and i got to visit when i came home. It had been 9 years since i had a close buddy type relationship with a girl, so i figured it would be another 9 nine for such a relationship which would have been this year. Labor day weekend last year i met this girl at work that has become almost like my closest friend. we hung out together all the time a work, but she quit after she started having back problems. she just turned 21, and she's getting married a year from tomorrow. We've know each other long that she's known her fiance. I feel like i'm still a close friend of hers. we don't see each other often but she calls me occasionally even when i haven't called her asking her to call me. Recently i met this girl at work i like, we went to the mall last friday and then i took her to dinner. we are 10 years apart though. So you see, i'm kind of in a similar situation.

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