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Her posting pics on Instagram?

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I was with this girl for 7 months, and she always told me that she does not post pictures up of her boyfriends and relationships. She barely post pictures up of herself.


So I found out she cheated on me, we broek up and all of a sudden she puts these pictures up of her new fling on Instagram and Facebook while she unfollowed me, I still was able to see her content since I was still following her.


Why did she do this?


You think she intentionally wanted me to see that?


Why do women boast about their new love when there is no guarantee that it will last?



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Why did she do this?

Do you really think a load of strangers on the internet can tell you why she did something? Take your pick...

1) She was bored one day

2) She decided she does like instagram or whatever after all

3) Her new guy likes it so she likes it

4) Her new BF hacked her account and did these things.

5) Her parole officer thoughtit would be a good idea for her to change her social media habits

6) She was kidnapped by aliens and replaced with a clone


Whichever it is, who cares? She's your ex. Why do you give 2 short ships what she does or not do on some social media site?


You think she intentionally wanted me to see that?

Why do you care? If you don't want to see what she is up to then delete and block her.


Why do women boast about their new love when there is no guarantee that it will last?

Tell me why men do it and I'll tell you why women do it.

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