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Trying not to mess this up..


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Ok so here we go. Little back story. Had a girlfriend of 3 and years say she wanted to be friends. I was hurt for a little but the benefits outweighed the negative. Moved on. A girl I work with (I'm a US Marine) had started to take more interest in me out of no where. Wasn't anything serious at all. Just asking me to smoke or talk or go like grocery shopping together. No biggy. We started to become close. Texting everyday, joking around all the time, and basically just enjoying each others company.


Now to the fun stuff. Her boyfriend is deployed with my unit (meaning he also works with me, he's just deployed). I absolutely hate the kid. He doesn't treat her right at all. But I'm not some kinda messed up home wrecker. I'd never get in between a relationship no matter how much I hated the guy. But anyways, she had asked me to DD for her this weekend because she was never really allowed to go party because her boyfriend always made her DD before he deployed. I told her as soon as he left I'd let her have some fun.


Fast foreward a little bit.. At the party that I'm DDing for her, she gets an email from her boyfriend in Afghanistan saying that he can't handle her partying (first time actually drinking since she joined our unit..) and all this other bull****. Pulling a crazy double standard. She cried all night and I was there for her all night. I hung out in her room afterwards till around 4-5 am just talking to her and giving her the support she needed. Nothing serious at all


The next day I asked her to DD for me because I thought she might enjoy taking care of my intoxicated ass. So we party, I end up asking her to take me back early cause I could just see that she didn't feel right considering what had gone on the night before. So she brings me back to her room and start cuddling on her couch. Idk why I didn't make any real moves or why she didn't (ex boyfriend of only a day in mind?) but there was such obvious tension. I had my hands all over and she kept biting me. At one point I think I ended up kissing her from the waist up but never did we actually kiss. It was a weird night but it kinda meant something to me.


Reason why I'm here.. I haven't met a girl like this in so long. I've always had a little crush on her ever since I got to the unit and swore up and down to my buddies that one day I was gonna make her mine. Now it seems like the potential is there but I just don't know how to go about it. Plus she's got this ex boyfriend thing who is probably still very much in the picture.


The main reason I'm posting this today is because I want to get advice early on what to do. I don't wanna mess this up at all. This girl has been the first girl since my ex that I actually enjoy being around. I'd appreciate all the help

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So I hung out with this girl today. I drank about a 6 pack in the time I was with her so we just talked the whole about me trying to deal with my ex and her still being with her Afghanistan boyfriend. It's kinda ****ty. I just wish she could be mine

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You know that there are more women out there than just this chick right? I ask because you're sure not acting like it.


Furthermore, WHY would she commit to you when she can keep using you as some sort of weird cuddle buddy while STILL being with/thinking about her BOYFRIEND??


You say you don't want to be a homewrecker but you're already in deep fella. You can still walk away though. It would actually IMPROVE your odds of "making her yours" since then she'd have to choose. Right now, why would she?

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