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Where is her mind at?

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I met this girl a few months back and i liked her from the begining, but i had a girlfriend. i never said anything but it was clear to everyone that i liked her, so, we kept in touch, she said she didnt like me like that, but she really liked my girl, ok so i didnt care i said lets at least stay friends.


then about a month and a half ago we went clubing the 3 of us, we came back to my place and had a few more friends with us, we talked and laugh and she was wearing this little skirt. i was sitting on the floor and her legs were partially open, i told her i can see it you know, she said so and opened her legs even more, i said you are making me want to do something and she said DONT DARE ME i said i do, lets go, we went to my bathroom and you know, it was really cool, well then we met the next morning and went for breakfast, we laughed about what happened the night before and still said we're cool.


about a week later she came over to hang out with me, we had a few drinks and the sexual talks began, as time passed we ended up in my couch then my bed, man she's so hot, i really like her a lot, but after that nothing has happened. she came over last night and we talked for a while, went out to eat and came back to my house, she knows i want her and that i like her a lot but she doesnt act like it, we havent even kissed after the last time, what should i do does she want me? does she like me? does she want anything more than just friends with me? what should i do? please help.

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Looks like you have a potential F*ck Buddy!

it is up to you whether or not you persue it.....be SAFE!

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