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When I was in school, my friends were all into this stuff, and it seemed so fun and harmless. But now, I think I actually believe in a lot of it, whereas before it was just kind of a game. :o


Christians believe in communications with the spiritual world; communications with God, angels, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The bible is filled with Prophets, which seems to appear similar to the purpose of Tarot (divination, or providing a picture into the future).


But I think people need to be so careful with this stuff!! I mean, there are a lot of people who know a whole lot about more spiritual matters, who think that these types of communications come from a darker realm. Take it, or leave it, but there are warnings over and over in the bible that "mediums and fortune-tellers" are working with an unholy power.


Just please be careful. :(:confused::(


This is generally correct with perhaps some added minor corrections.


The bible quotes:


My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?


Means only one thing. There are many spirits in God's house living in many rooms. Obviously the ones that are God's agents be angels, holy spirit, Jesus, Mother Mary etc. live in some parts of the rooms, while the other rooms are occupied by less pure spirits. God's representatives will not violate your free will (that's basically the signature of their M.O); whereas less pure spirits that are communicated through Tarot cards, Divination tools, Psychics and Mediums "CAN" violate the law of free will. I use the word "CAN" because it really depends on the person who's performing the service.


If the person who is performing the service is aware of God's sacred law of free will, then any service performed by the person and the messages coming across the medium will be with pure intentions. But guess what? If you want to talk to god, the channel is actually private because god ONLY wants to talk to you. That's his guarantee. He does not need Lucifer to question his laws, because if you commune with God and get his wisdom, it means that it's your free will to talk to God. But if you commune through a third party or a physical medium like Tarot cards, then the cards themselves because it's not made by you or God can have a manipulative aspect to his wisdom. So unless God gave you the symbols and their meanings directly to you, you're getting this knowledge from a third party who's purity can be questioned. Therefore, it is VERY HIGHLY unlikely that God will communicate with you through other means, UNLESS that God really wants to talk to you and that you don't understand what God meant so you need the help of a professional medium to help you bridge this communication.

Usually when this service is needed, the medium will ALWAYS ask you for what is called a higher self calling referral note. Then the medium will channel the spiritual realm to compare your vision to his or her. If the vision match, then only then the medium will talk to you. But sometimes, if you do the proper way however, it's hard for a medium to make a living and pay car loans and the mortgage. So they sometimes play hands, but always under the impression of respecting the law of free will.


Unfortunately, the majority of other readers are influenced by "MONEY" per se and just do everything to address their clients' needs and most of them have good intentions for helping the needy. But then, they seemed to neglect the fact that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Meaning that, even if you use Tarot cards to mostly read about the future about something right and usually involves a person other than yourself. You are really doing this covertly behind someone's back and usually doing this without asking someone's permission. Psychic energy when you guys are dealing with are real and can actually go to the intended person or in this case, the victim without permission which can disturb the person's mind and emotional state. So in a way, it may seem harmless to you, but it is not always to the recipient. But the major underlying concern for this is that, you've just violated the law of their free will and what you sow you reap. So if you violated other's free will more so, that you reap from others violating yours as well.

Edited by happydate
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So how do Tarot cards work?


How do you know they are not "evil"?


Two very good questions. Most of the time it's just idiocy. A curious person (almost always a woman), pays a "physic" to tell her through tarot cards what the future holds for her.


The dangerous part of this is immersing your mind in this evil and pretending like it' real.


That leaves an open invitation for evil to enter your life.You are in fact inviting it into your life. That's a dangerous thing to do.

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My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?


Means only one thing. There are many spirits in God's house living in many rooms. Obviously the ones that are God's agents be angels, holy spirit, Jesus, Mother Mary etc. live in some parts of the rooms, while the other rooms are occupied by less pure spirits. God's representatives will not violate your free will (that's basically the signature of their M.O); whereas less pure spirits that are communicated through Tarot cards, Divination tools, Psychics and Mediums "CAN" violate the law of free will. I use the word "CAN" because it really depends on the person who's performing the service.


I had not heard this before, and don't know the scripture to support this idea. When I think of a house, I think of an inside, and an outside. I always understood that impure spirits lived outside of the presence of God (i.e. not in His house).


If the person who is performing the service is aware of God's sacred law of free will, then any service performed by the person and the messages coming across the medium will be with pure intentions. But guess what? If you want to talk to god, the channel is actually private because god ONLY wants to talk to you. That's his guarantee. He does not need Lucifer to question his laws, because if you commune with God and get his wisdom, it means that it's your free will to talk to God. But if you commune through a third party or a physical medium like Tarot cards, then the cards themselves because it's not made by you or God can have a manipulative aspect to his wisdom. So unless God gave you the symbols and their meanings directly to you, you're getting this knowledge from a third party who's purity can be questioned. Therefore, it is VERY HIGHLY unlikely that God will communicate with you through other means, UNLESS that God really wants to talk to you and that you don't understand what God meant so you need the help of a professional medium to help you bridge this communication.


That is interesting. I agree, God's wisdom isn't the goal with Tarot (though God's will always wins out anyway). If God can communicate with us directly, there's absolutely no need to look elsewhere for guidance. I don't think it's ever necessary to use a medium to communicate with God. The problem is, imo, that sometimes God is silent, and we demand an answer to our questions. We can't accept the fact that it's not time for us to know something, if God hasn't clued us in.


Meaning that, even if you use Tarot cards to mostly read about the future about something right and usually involves a person other than yourself. You are really doing this covertly behind someone's back and usually doing this without asking someone's permission. Psychic energy when you guys are dealing with are real and can actually go to the intended person or in this case, the victim without permission which can disturb the person's mind and emotional state. So in a way, it may seem harmless to you, but it is not always to the recipient. But the major underlying concern for this is that, you've just violated the law of their free will and what you sow you reap. So if you violated other's free will more so, that you reap from others violating yours as well.


That seem to be an interesting perspective, too. There's surely a selfish aspect to hoping for something for the future, whatever it may be (that's not "God's will be done"). Any sort of influence we would want to exert in the world, using psychic energies to reach our goals, would alter the life of someone else.


I would have to think more about the "free will" aspect to your argument. I think that separation from God's will is the primary concern that our lowly spirits should really focus on, and that violating others' will is just ultimately creating a separation from God. So I don't know that free will is of utmost importance, but violating/altering God's plan creates unnecessary pain and suffering.

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Two very good questions. Most of the time it's just idiocy. A curious person (almost always a woman), pays a "physic" to tell her through tarot cards what the future holds for her.


lol! Yes, I think there are a lot of amateurs playing around with Tarot, not knowing the ramifications. It does seem harmless, I admit. The cards have cool looking drawings, and it's fun to surmise the most "accurate" reading based on the cards that appear.


The dangerous part of this is immersing your mind in this evil and pretending like it' real.


That leaves an open invitation for evil to enter your life.You are in fact inviting it into your life. That's a dangerous thing to do.


I don't know...I kind of think it is real, sometimes. At the very least, it's a tool that ends up being a distraction from actually going to the source: God. At its worst, Tarot is a channel to a dark world that strives to destroy God's authority in our lives (and succeeds, daily :().

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A lot of assumptions here people. You don't know it is 'evil', you believe in 'god', and 'believe' the bible is the truth. It is belief and not fact, one way or another.

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If you want to do it for entertainment value go ahead but don't take any of this stuff seriously.


Several of my own readings led me to take it seriously.

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Eternal Sunshine

I have been doing readings for years. I have number of decks for different purposes. Can't say they have ever lead me astray. I sometimes ignore the warnings and go ahead with things anyway - only to discover that things went as tarot predicted :confused:

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Love tarot cards, though I'm not sure if I read them properly. they make me feel good and guide me that I'm on the right path (career, etc etc) and just regular stuff. It's fun and to me, it makes a difference. I keep an open mind.


Same goes with using a necklace pendant. Asking it questions and seeing if moves back and forth or side to side.

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I had not heard this before, and don't know the scripture to support this idea. When I think of a house, I think of an inside, and an outside. I always understood that impure spirits lived outside of the presence of God (i.e. not in His house).


There are many rooms in a mansion. As you navigate to the master of the house, you will surely ask for directions from the beings in many rooms. Some of them are pure and some of them aren't pure. People with proper Christ discernment can discern between pure and impure with an open heart and a pure psychology (no hate, no anger, no remorse, no dissappointment etc..).


Secondly, if the house is without impure beings, why then we are encouraged to do a spiritual protection prayer with Archangel Michael? And why is that even a spiritual protection prayer can not provide protection if you decide to violate the law of free will?


The rooms in God's mansion represents many realms and many spheres in many dimensions. There are many beings inhabiting these realms and spheres and while many are pure, many are also impure. To compound this complication, Lucifer was once a being with a certain attained level of Christ consciousness. Many people interchange Satan with Lucifer and they are one of the same. Lucifer and Satan are two unique and separate beings. Lucifer has attained some level of Christ Consciousness while Satan did not. Satan fell to be with Lucifer and along with other beings to the lower realms. Some gurus in the new age movement claim that Satan and Lucifer are a figment of people's imagination and that is just a consciousness illusion. Don't be fooled by their teachings. Lucifer is good at tricking people with less or no Christ discernment because he knows the bible and Christ teachings very well! So how come an amateur Tarot card reader have any chance of not being tricked?


These impure beings sole purpose is to steal the victim's energy or use the victim's body for their own enjoyment since they get nothing from God. God didn't take away their energy, but since the Universe revolves around energy, they need energy in a form of light to survive. The misery and suffering of human beings today are a result of mis-qualifed energy being formed and stolen from impure beings. God knows this, but god knows that if ENOUGH human beings follow the divine plan, these beings will have no one else to steal and have no choice but to ask for mercy and forgiveness from God. We know about the story of the 2 thieves right? Any beings be it pure or impure can be accepted into the Kingdom of God if they accept God.


So I personally am neutral to all divination tools and Tarot card readers. If these people find them useful and are happy and are enlightened and feel exceptionally healthy with no emotional trauma caused from anxiety, depression etc. Then I guess it helps.


If people continue to suffer from pain, misery, suffering from depression, remorse, sadness while using divination tools and cards; then ask your question.


Did God said that if you use my talents wisely, will I not multiply them many folds and be returned to you?!?


If so, why then some people still suffer while using psychics and mediums? And then it becomes a dangle of the carrot -- an addiction to cure an addict.



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I actually waited until my first deck came to me. I wanted the rider deck as my first since its good to learn on and it just so happened my cousin found an unopened copy at goodwdwill for two bucks, but she had bought it as a gift for someone wanting an older version of the deck. I waited, then my cousin found an antique rider deck for her friend and gave me the new one. It was awesome :3


Also, I've had weird experiences with tarot. I'm not as into actually telling fortunes with cards but I do believe they are reflective and that you can manifest what happens in a reading. Not long ago I had a reading that said I would have to contact my former boyfriend to arrange a ride somehow. A week before it happened I dreamt about him every single night and one day my truck key snapped in half. And I tried calling everyone I knew hat might have a spare. No one would pick. Up for about an hour. Then I remembered my former boyfriend had a spare because he had been my mechanic. I tried calliing him but his phone was out of service, so I sent him a facebook message and he just so happened to be online. He gave me the key and a hug (we had just recently broken up and I was needing closure) it was crazy weird.

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Do yourself a favor. Do something constructive with your time. This stuff is all bull****. And if it really does work, it means you are engaging in evil.


I actually just saw this.


Who are you to tell ME what I find constructive? I didn't push tarot on anyone, so don't push your ignorance on me.


Nothing about tarot is evil. I'm a very spiritual person with a deep belief in God and angels and guides. I have read the bible, I don't worship Satan and I don't engage in witchcraft.


But thanks for your "constructive" post!

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I've actually been using my deck for a few weeks now. I've read myself, and have read others, and the readings were SCARY accurate. I myself am not a psychic but I have legit asked a specific question and then gotten very specific answers. Where as all the cards laid out pertained to the question and actually created a "story" in order of being laid out. It was freaky! I really connect with these cards.


I think spiritualism can be used for good and it can be used for evil. Just as any other religion. I don't want to get into the politics of how evil other religions can be (murder, molestations) but if you have a good heart and good intentions, it's fine.


I have many religious objects in my house, I frequently cleanse with sage and state that only good is welcome in my home, no evil or negativity.


I've never had an issue with "evil" in my house. If anything, I always hear from everyone that comes to my apartment that it is very warm, welcoming, and they always feel so at ease here.

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I've actually been using my deck for a few weeks now. I've read myself, and have read others, and the readings were SCARY accurate. I myself am not a psychic but I have legit asked a specific question and then gotten very specific answers. Where as all the cards laid out pertained to the question and actually created a "story" in order of being laid out. It was freaky! I really connect with these cards.


I think spiritualism can be used for good and it can be used for evil. Just as any other religion. I don't want to get into the politics of how evil other religions can be (murder, molestations) but if you have a good heart and good intentions, it's fine.


I have many religious objects in my house, I frequently cleanse with sage and state that only good is welcome in my home, no evil or negativity.


I've never had an issue with "evil" in my house. If anything, I always hear from everyone that comes to my apartment that it is very warm, welcoming, and they always feel so at ease here.

can u read for others dear?


I feel obsessed with my ex. i know i need to move on n m trying so best i cant tell u..

but would u do me a reading please?

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can u read for others dear?


I feel obsessed with my ex. i know i need to move on n m trying so best i cant tell u..

but would u do me a reading please?


Nancyyyyy. I have seen your threads and have written in them. You need to start moving on. I know you know that you need to but you don't need a tarot reading to tell you this.


What you need to do is redirect your train of thought. When you start to think about your ex, go do something. Go grab a book and read a few chapters, put on a movie or a TV show, get out of the house and browse some shops.


If you keep doing this, the SECOND you think of your ex, you will train your brain to not think of him, and you will train your brain to experience pleasure with not thinking of him. This won't happen immediately, and it takes effort, but it's whats going to help you.


Call up a friend today and ask them to go get happy hour drinks later on. Do your hair and makeup, and get out of the house. Moving on takes constant work, and constant effort, it's basically like a full time job.

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I cant tell u what it feels like. Its terrible!


Which is why i avoid to be in relationships n i enjoyed my single life for 3 years post my breakup before that..


But i was marrying this man. MARRIAGE!


N i always asked God if he is right for me n i got all the positive signs n my faith firmed in this man.

N now he ignores me ruthlessly! How can his family be so terrible to another human being, just coz they think v r not right for each other.

tears slip out of my eyes as i ritre all this..



Would u give me a reading abt me futrure? n if he is in it?



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I cant tell u what it feels like. Its terrible!


Which is why i avoid to be in relationships n i enjoyed my single life for 3 years post my breakup before that..


But i was marrying this man. MARRIAGE!


N i always asked God if he is right for me n i got all the positive signs n my faith firmed in this man.

N now he ignores me ruthlessly! How can his family be so terrible to another human being, just coz they think v r not right for each other.

tears slip out of my eyes as i ritre all this..



Would u give me a reading abt me futrure? n if he is in it?




I cannot give you a reading about your future, as I am not a psychic. I don't think it would be responsible to give you a reading and give you any false hope that does not exist.


I also want to tell you a little bit about people who claim to be psychics. Yes, they may be able to see a possible course of events when they read you, but YOU are capable of free will! If you got a psychic reading about your future, and then went again a few days later, your reading and future outcome could be completely different.


That is because your actions change your ultimate destiny.


I get that you're hurting and you thought you were going to marry this guy. Listen, I've been there. I thought I was going to marry MY ex! We were together for three years and I found out he cheated on me multiple times, lied to me constantly and then threw me out like garbage.


The person that I thought I was so close to, turned out to be nothing but a lie. I won't tell you that it was easy and I didn't hurt. Because I did. But you need to scrape up all the strength you have within you to push forward, and to only climb up from here.


I may not be psychic but I'm telling you, that it was a blessing you didn't marry this person. It would not have worked out. This is not the man for you, he's not the man you were meant to be with for a lifetime.


Look back on the relationship. I'm sure you learned many things about life, and about yourself from him. That was the point of him being in your life. Not everyone is meant to be in your life forever. People come in and out for very specific reasons. If you sit and think, I'm sure you can figure out what his reason was.


But, it's the end of the line for his reason for being in your life. It's time that he moves on and fulfills the greater destiny of his life, and for you to experience the greater destiny of your life. Carry those lessons and those experiences with you, smile at the memories and then put them in your pocket.


Get excited for the next chapter of your life!

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do u believe in whats meant to be will be?


I believe that you always end up exactly where you're supposed to be. That includes going through pain and heartache in order to grow, and that includes finally ending up with the person who is meant to be with you in a marriage.

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Others don't understand that the Tarot Cards are all about. I had studied Palm Reading as well as Tarot cards still do both today. There are some truth about these spiritual method of showing you what will be or what will not be. But again you have to believe in what your doing with intent. Another deck is the Angels Oracle Cards this one really good if you want to try those. Use weekly to tell you your past, present and future.


Again everyone here has a different idea, but I know where you coming from. So stick to what your doing. But never use the OUIJA BOARD this is very dangerous to use.

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Others don't understand that the Tarot Cards are all about. I had studied Palm Reading as well as Tarot cards still do both today. There are some truth about these spiritual method of showing you what will be or what will not be. But again you have to believe in what your doing with intent. Another deck is the Angels Oracle Cards this one really good if you want to try those. Use weekly to tell you your past, present and future.


Again everyone here has a different idea, but I know where you coming from. So stick to what your doing. But never use the OUIJA BOARD this is very dangerous to use.


I really don't want to rain on your parade but the Ouija board was invented in 1890 by an American businessman and is trademarked by Hasbro. It's about as mystical as the American dollar. It was made as a toy to sell to children. I worry about people sometimes :|

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Again everyone here has a different idea, but I know where you coming from. So stick to what your doing. But never use the OUIJA BOARD this is very dangerous to use.

Not necessarily. We have a whole thread here, devoted to its discussion.


And my personal experience:


So, here is my firsthand account of using a ouija (and I am a long-practicing occultist and have dabbled in most arcane things at one point or another)... Like Foxinthesnow, I've done tarot, I Ching, tea leaves, etc. I still make occult jewelry for a number of secret societies.


A dozen-or-so years ago, I was friends with these people who are an interest triad: A husband-and-wife who owned an engineering firm and their lawyer. They had been using a home-made ouija every Tuesday night for at least a decade, if not longer.


Now, when I mean home-made ouija, this puppy was AMAZING looking. The engineer dude hand-cut and polished his planchette (the piece that moves) from a striped agate. The board was actually a larger representation of the classic ouija board, with many additional words, but made on cloth onto which they placed a sheet of glass. He had something on the bottom of the agate planchette that enabled it to slide effortlessly across the glass and the larger representation enabled them to work the board faster, with more accuracy.


They would start each "session" with a ritual to call the spirits/entities/demons/whatever. Only the engineer and the lawyer would handle the planchette - the wife was the scribe that would take down what was spelled out. Seemed the engineer and the lawyer - in their weekly sessions - would ask questions for themselves or for other and look for guidance in business, lives, etc.


I witnessed two such sessions and can attest to several things. Firstly, once the planchette started moving, the two men were barely touching it and the thing flew across the board with astonishing speed. I now realized why the wife had to transcribe what was being spelled because she took shorthand and all the information that came out came very, very quickly. Secondly, these two men were insanely successful in their respective businesses (the lawyer had NEVER lost a case and both were millionaires) - which they attested to the information they received from these sessions.


Lastly - and this one was for me - they did a session both for me and my boyfriend of the time. We were given extensive personal and professional information and guidance which, now over a dozen years later, has all come true.


I was incredibly skeptical, but I have seen people take a parlor game and use it to amazing results.

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I really don't want to rain on your parade but the Ouija board was invented in 1890 by an American businessman and is trademarked by Hasbro. It's about as mystical as the American dollar. It was made as a toy to sell to children. I worry about people sometimes :|


There is no parade as you say. Quija board is dangerous, because you are trying to contact spirits trying to get answers to which you might not get the right one. We live in a world where anything can happen.


That board yes is sold in Toy's R US here other places because the face is where else are they going to sell it. But the fact it isn't a toy. But in all that's it not going to go on this subject.

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