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She cheated, now im confused

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Ok, here goes. I've been dating this girl for about 3.5 years now, we started going out my sophmore year of high school and now im a freshman in college. this summer i was getting very stressed out at home and the relationship with my girlfriend was becoming very stressful. to make a long story short i moved away for college (100 miles) and she stayed back in st. louis because she had a job there and was just going to go to a community college back home. she came down every weekend to see me and we had alot of fun, but there was alot of arguing back and forth.

She tells me about 3 weeks ago that she has been dating a guy back home for about a month now and didnt tell me about it because she didn't want to hurt me, and didn't know how to tell me. she started dating this guy about 2 weeks into school. When she first told me i was so hurt not mad, but just hurt and cried everynight and day. i couldn't eat or sleep. and i called her all the time to try to get her to stop it with this guy. she wouldn't. i would call her sometimes and she would be at his house and he would pick up the phone and tell me to stop calling.

She told me on a monday that this all happened and i went home that weekend and saw her every day that weekend, it was good, we didn't have sex or anything but we talked alot and she basically said that she wanted her space for a while. which hurts so bad because we were best friends for 3.5 years. I went home the next weekend and we talked some more about everything and it seems as if we are moving in a good direction for us. We talked about this guy that she is dating and she said that she was going to cut back with this guy, she didn't want to break up with him because he is in one of her classes, and she thinks he might be phsyco. so i went home this weekend and we had sex (her idea) i didn't want to because i just assumed that we would be getting back together after that but we didn't. she still talks to this guy but doesnt see him except for class. and she says that she wants her space but she calls me everyday more than once a day, and i just dont know what to do, the whole situation just hurts so bad. i want to be with her and have things back the way they were, i love her so much that i would do absolutely anything for her, hell i would even let her date this guy if it was making her absolutely happy and thats what she wanted, even though i would cry everynight and not want to live. im just looking for opinions and i guess i dont really get her. one minute she tells me she loves me then the next she telling me not to call her, im confused.

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She's keeping you both hanging by a thread until she decides who she really wants. Walk away now to make the decision for her and save yourself some sanity.

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I definitely agree with Tanbark. She is stringing you both along. Do you seriously think she only see's him in class while you are 100 miles away?

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