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Too liberal? Or just normal?

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Hey guys!

K, here's the story. I have a wonderful bf. We go out all the time to clubs or bars or lounges, whatever. We went out on Friday nite, and a couple girl friends of mine came too. I'm walking to my bf, and some guy starts to flirt with me. I talk to him for a minute or two, then go back to my bf. My bf sees this guy hit on me, and stands aside and waits til I finish. Later on my gf's tell me that my bf is weird for standing aside and letting that happen, and I'm weird for talking to a guy. And I said, well it's not exactly the most mature for my bf to drag me away by the arm, and I dont have to not talk to ppl, as long as I'm respectful and draw limits where I should. I don't give my number out, and I dont hide that I have a bf, but some friendly flirting never hurt anyone.


So, are me and him overly liberal? Guys, do you really get THAT pissed off if your gf talks to a guy in a club, and girls, do you honestly not talk to anyone else besides your bf when you go out? I'm jsut curious.


He and I do not go out of our way to hit on ppl, but if a girl goes up to him, I wouldnt hover over him or anything. I know he'll just feel like the hottest guy in the room for a minute, and then run back over to me.


Any thoughts?

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well it works for you two, so that is what matters.


as you can see from your gf's... not everyone feels secure enough, trusting enough...what ever to do that.


i think it's great that you two can allow healthy non-threating flirty behavoiurs. It actually turns some people on to watch there partners flirt....and stuff, with others.....Swingers.

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I don't give my number out, and I dont hide that I have a bf, but some friendly flirting never hurt anyone.


It all depends on the flirting. There is the "other" guy who might just happen to think he has a chance. He has feelings too. But if, as you say, they know you have a b/friend then you're not really flirting, are you? Just talking to someone.

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Thx for the input!


I wouldnt call us swingers...we wouldnt sleep with anyone else. I guess its just a healthy level of trust. Anyway, we're both almost 25 and we've been together since 22, and I think it just lets us both feel really sexy and attractive....like, hey....still got it!


I have a lot of girl friends who wont leave their bf's side when he's there, but will be wild when they're out without him...so I know a lot of couples wouldnt be comfortable seeing somethign or allowing something liek this.




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You sound normal. Guys talk to me at the bar, and I'll chat back, but I keep it short and never deny the presence of my boyfriend. What am I supposed to do when they approach me or stop me walking by? Pretend I can't hear them?


Just because I'm attached doesn't make me rude!

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You're an adult and capable of handling yourself in these types of situations. I think it was rather respectful of your boyfriend to allow you to decide how you wanted to handle the situation.

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I think if it didn't bother you and doesn't bother him then you shouldn't worry about it...Don't let your Friends Screw up what sounds like a strong relationship.

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