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A friend if mine has been going through something and asked me for advice which I was stumped to give. Any feedback that I can use to help him out would be appreciated..


He met this girl two yrs ago. They were friends at first and very close. It developed into a relationship and sexual. He's crazy for this girl and all Our friends can see it. He told me the other day that the past two months she has cooled off sexually. They're great friends but she shows no interest in being with him sexually. He's thrown hints her way and she changes the subject. He told me he brought it up to her but she denies anythings wrong.

He's very confused and feeling very low because he still wants her but feels she has changed her feelings. To compound the confusion he doesn't want to lose her friendship.


I told him I think she's either a) involved with someone else and keeping him around in case it fails or b) has lost interest and wants to go back to being friends again aka friendzoned. Neither of which is what he wanted to hear. He's heartbroken and just wants to know why the change. He's a great looking guy and he's got many friends that are interested in him. I'm personally angry she's doing this to him. He deserves the truth and not be strung along.

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I would say its nice that you are angry for him, but I don't think you are wrong. I would say option a) is extremely likely. He does deserve the truth from her, and he also needs to know that isn't normal. She is either seeing someone else or has developed a medical problem she is too embarrassed to talk about.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I would say its nice that you are angry for him, but I don't think you are wrong. I would say option a) is extremely likely. He does deserve the truth from her, and he also needs to know that isn't normal. She is either seeing someone else or has developed a medical problem she is too embarrassed to talk about.


I agree, and encourage your friend to talk to her about it. It will be awkward, but he wont know until he goes to the source.

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