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Where do women ideally want to meet men besides at bars?

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Many men and women complain that going to bars is annoying and a meat market. Meeting the drunkest guy or girl is not the best way to start a long term relationship.


So where do woman ideally want to meet a cool guy?


Do they want to meet randomly like in the romantic comedies?


Besides Church, what are other safe places that women don't mind talking to single men?


Some of my ideas are the coffee shop, yoga/gym, classes, wine tasting, grocery stores, dog park, restaurants, on the subway, etc.


If you could meet a guy anywhere where would you want to meet him?

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These questions always baffle me. If the girl of your dreams is in your sight are you not going to meet her due to you not being somewhere the LS women deem a place where they want to meet a guy?


I See Girl. I Meet Girl.

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Some of my ideas are the coffee shop, yoga/gym, classes, wine tasting, grocery stores, dog park, restaurants, on the subway, etc.


Yup, these all seem fine.

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These questions always baffle me. If the girl of your dreams is in your sight are you not going to meet her due to you not being somewhere the LS women deem a place where they want to meet a guy?


I See Girl. I Meet Girl.


I think people go to bars because its supposed to be a "Social place" where women and men try to 'hook up'


But at other places, some women just don't want to be bothered.


But there is also a romantic notion of meeting a guy somewhere else besides a bar. Some women want to date a guy who shares their hobbies or whatever.


I was just wondering what is any woman's fantasy about meeting her mate.


Or, is the fantasy to have a dashing prince save a woman in a bad situation?

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Ruby Slippers

My dream meeting that I'd love to tell my kids and grandkids would be meeting while doing something we both enjoy, like music, being out in nature, relaxing on the beach.


The dreamiest meeting I've had yet was when he rotated to me in a swing dance class. We were a perfect fit as dancing partners, and they turned the music on for the first time that night right when he rotated to me. It was a magical moment that I'm sure I will never forget. Anytime I told that story to our friends, they were always like, "Wow, what a great way to meet!" :D

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All these places sound great I'd love to meet someone at Starbucks or the market, just because it's so convenient, but never have. I do need to work on my flirting and approaching men skills though. The men who do have the guts to approach me I'm not interested. Then others just stare and I'm too shy to say something...

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I was just wondering what is any woman's fantasy about meeting her mate.


  • Admiring the same painting in a museum
  • Reaching for the same book in a bookstore
  • Randomly sitting next to each other at a lecture
  • Handing an usher a ticket to a concert simultaneously



Or, is the fantasy to have a dashing prince save a woman in a bad situation?

Nah.... I don't need to be saved. I need to be appreciated and understood.

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Many men and women complain that going to bars is annoying and a meat market. Meeting the drunkest guy or girl is not the best way to start a long term relationship.


So where do woman ideally want to meet a cool guy?


IDEALLY I could meet him while staying in the comfort of my own home :laugh:


On a more realistic note, work, class or coffee shops. Somewhere convenient.

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It's hard for a guy to meet other guys besides bars and dating apps. So if you think it's hard to meet women in normal places, imagine if you had to go for the same team...


I've tried different things over the years, but it always comes back to meeting at a bar or app. Bars have drunks, but they tend to have people who last longer on the radar than those you meet online. Something about the face to face initial meeting tends to bring a better outcome. You just avoid the drunkest ones in the bar. Easy to spot.


A far as anyplace else...too much at stake most times. I can meet a guy at a bar in 1 night, versus trying to approach 10 strangers in random places over a period of an entire year. Why do all that work?

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The way things are going now, she'll arrive at my house in a big wooden crate off the back of a delivery truck. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

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The way things are going now, she'll arrive at my house in a big wooden crate off the back of a delivery truck. :lmao::lmao::lmao:


Hope they come with a months supply of food, water and all their shots.

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If you are a naturally social, well-spoken guy who presents himself well then anywhere is literally good. Malls, grocery store, sitting on a plane, DMV office, just strike up a conversation and go with it. However if you have problems with that then it needs to be in a setting where you are a known quantity (IE at a party where it is socially 'okay' for everyone to be friendly with one another) or at a bar/setting involving alcohol (it helps people 'loosen up').

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Places I've met women:


Online chatrooms




In a Hostel lounge

In a tour bus during a tour

Walking around scenic areas while on holiday

At the races

At a bus stop

On an interstate train


Didn't get lucky with most of them, but that's probably due to stuffing things up later in the interaction.


I've increased my chances of mutual attraction by dressing well and being well spoken.


The kind of women I go for like to be just talked to normally, no lines or gimmicks. Even flirting can wait until a bit later when she's comfortable with you. Just my opinion.

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The kind of women I go for like to be just talked to normally, no lines or gimmicks. Even flirting can wait until a bit later when she's comfortable with you. Just my opinion.


I don't really have trouble talking to women in public places - perhaps a mixture of desperation/confidence/salesmanship.


But a lot of guys don't have the public speaking confidence or manners to interrupt a woman at a random public place. Bars are supposed to be "social places where it acceptable to introduce yourself to women"


Where as elsewhere, she could be married/have a boyfriend and just not want to be bothered.


But I think a lot of guys would benefit from the knowledge that there are certain places where a Girl will be okay talking to a new guy - Church, the Library, coffeeshop etc.


I think most guys are just too polite/scared to bother women when they are shopping, etc. But Guys who want to meet women have to have the balls to talk to any woman at any time.


Women love to Gossip to their friends about "How We Met as Couple" and a lot of women don't like saying "we met online dating" because that is not a "Romantic Story" - as cheezy as it sounds, Women obsess over Romantic Gestures, and if a guy can place himself at the right spot at the right time, he can win a girls heart.


One of my friend's parents met at a Ski Lift Gondola, so that's a fairly romantic story they always tell.

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The other part of it is learning to 'pick out' the women who are down to Earth, friendly and approachable from the bitches and princesses who want romance/dream-man etc. Most of this will have nothing to do with their looks and everything to do with how they carry themselves and interact with others. Friendly, talkative, smiles at you, those are the general signs. Doesn't guarantee you anything but you will have way less headaches.

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I think most guys are just too polite/scared to bother women when they are shopping, etc. But Guys who want to meet women have to have the balls to talk to any woman at any time.


I have that trouble when it comes to women who haven't given me any signs of interest at all.


But if a woman looks at me quickly or positions herself nearby, I have no hesitation.


Sometimes women make it so obvious that it would be rude not to talk, in my opinion. I've often seen other guys miss the opportunity because of not noticing.


Women love to Gossip to their friends about "How We Met as Couple" and a lot of women don't like saying "we met online dating" because that is not a "Romantic Story" - as cheezy as it sounds, Women obsess over Romantic Gestures, and if a guy can place himself at the right spot at the right time, he can win a girls heart.


I actually feel the same way. I get "guy butterflies" just from talking to an attractive woman out of the blue, unexpectedly.


Online dating kind of cuts that out.


Also women online seem to be way harder to attract even though they're often less good looking. Not sure if it's because I look ugly in photos or just that I have less "presence" when I'm seen as just a profile, not a flesh and blood human being.

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Ideally it'd have to be a place where it wouldn't be awkward to "randomly" meet and begin a conversation. Its hard to say a place like starbucks or the library is really conducive to forming that initial bond to keep that intrigue. To be honest anytime a guy approaches me at the bookstore or coffee shop or park its annoying to me, because i tend to do these things when i'd rather be alone and enjoy myself. I think taking classes or meeting in a restaurant would be cool. I personally think a bar could be okay, but chances of meeting someone worthwhile seems slim.

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Ideally it'd have to be a place where it wouldn't be awkward to "randomly" meet and begin a conversation. Its hard to say a place like starbucks or the library is really conducive to forming that initial bond to keep that intrigue. To be honest anytime a guy approaches me at the bookstore or coffee shop or park its annoying to me, because i tend to do these things when i'd rather be alone and enjoy myself. I think taking classes or meeting in a restaurant would be cool. I personally think a bar could be okay, but chances of meeting someone worthwhile seems slim.


I think it's more about the context of the situation than the particular location.


I walked into a coffee shop, genuinely looking for a coffee. Almost all the seats were taken. Saw a woman sitting by the window with an empty seat next to her. Looked at her and she made eye contact with me twice.


In that situation it would be *less* awkward to just go and sit next to her, and then less awkward to strike up a conversation. Which is exactly what I did do, and we had a nice little chat.

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My dream meeting that I'd love to tell my kids and grandkids would be meeting while doing something we both enjoy, like music, being out in nature, relaxing on the beach.


The dreamiest meeting I've had yet was when he rotated to me in a swing dance class. We were a perfect fit as dancing partners, and they turned the music on for the first time that night right when he rotated to me. It was a magical moment that I'm sure I will never forget. Anytime I told that story to our friends, they were always like, "Wow, what a great way to meet!" :D


So did anything developed between the two of you? Are you pregnant with his first born? You can't leave us hanging like that.


I agree with above that it's not so much the place that have rules attached unless you're crashing funerals to pick up women a la wedding crashers(?)

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It's not so much about where, more about why.


Generally people don't just walk up to a complete stranger with no context, so I don't recommend doing that, anywhere.


Like atomicdog explained with his story, there needs to be an incentive. Most of the time these pop up naturally, but you can partially set them up. The reason bars are so popular for meeting people is because the incentive is to drink, chat and potentially meet new people. The concept of random singles meeting is part of a bars' context, opposed to many other places.


In all honesty, you can approach anyone, anywhere, if it makes even the faintest bit of sense. That's just for approaching though, everything beyond that is a completely different affair...

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