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'I'm not the girlfriend type'


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Girl I had a one night stand with last December that I didn't really admit to at the time, never forgot about.


July rolls around and we are at a bar with about 15 mutual friends and we have a great time, she asks me to be her kickboxing training partner and I think great, a chance to get to know her while sober in a fun environment.


We go to about 3 classes before I ask her to go for a drink, drink turns into a few drinks at the bar near her place which leads to listening to music and dancing in her living room - that's the point where she says to me "I'm not going to sleep with you"


I then go very direct, I tell her exactly how I feel about her on the couch, she tells me she likes me but she doesn't consider herself the girlfriend type. I'm leaving out a few details here for privacy but this is the gist of it so far.


Another month of training, getting coffee a few times and more nights out drinking at her place until the early hours, getting to really know each other, still nothing has been said after we spoke on the couch. Most recently we held hands on the couch while talking, this is as far as I've tried to go physically (outside of dancing) because I really do want to take it slow and get to know her after starting out as a one night stand.


We were holding hands on the couch for a good amount of time, she then asked if I was hitting on her - her 12 year old daughter was in the next room and to me that is sacred, I wouldn't attempt anything like that with a child in the house so I told her that. I sent a very long text drunken in the middle of the night from her couch, expressing how I feel about wanting to take things slow, how I felt about her etc - no mention the next morning, no mention at training during the week.


I feel incredibly strongly about this girl, I have the utmost respect that she has a child to take care of and will take this at a snails pace if I think its moving in the right direction - but I don't know if it is and I think if I ask the question directly then I will push her away.


Sorry for the wall of text, it's my first time engaging in an actual relationship (I'm good at short term flings) but this girl makes me feel incredible.

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'I'm not the girlfriend type' usually means she's not ready for anything serious, or doesn't want anything serious with you.


If you want to not waste your own time I'd either be direct (if you must know) or just move on.

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