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Alternative to gifts

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Hey everyone.....

Well my gf and i have been in a LDR for abt 3 months now....The prob is that i cant send her anythng coz her parents and her have a common mailbox and she doesnt want her parents to know abt me until she's 18.....Being the only child her parents are pretty strict with her


So i was just wondering what are some gd anniversary gifts that i could send her? Ive aldready sung her songs and written her poems....Anythng else that i could give her?




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is this g/f of yours like 12 yrs old?


ever thought about going to her middle school and giving her soemthing in person?

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Originally posted by tiki

Name a star after her. I've always thought that was the coolest.


My ex wanted to this but I was like "NO!!! give me a real present :mad: " :p Well not exactly like that, but there are some people that might like this and some than will not. I think it's a great idea for very romantic people like my girl tiki!!!

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Originally posted by alphamale

is this g/f of yours like 12 yrs old?


ever thought about going to her middle school and giving her soemthing in person?


What would make you think she's 12? :confused:

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Originally posted by naive_2001

I think it's a great idea for very romantic people like my girl tiki!!!


:laugh: You made me chuckle you crazy foo. :bunny:


Yeah, I hope she's not twelve. :o

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Nah shes not 12 .... shes in her mid 16s and ive just turned 19. ... And ummm the school thing wouldnt work as im in Aus now and shes in US.....Would that star thing work if we are on 2 opposite sides of the world? I mean we'll be looking at different stars ... LOL

Whats the procedure to name a star anyway?

Yea i was thinking of doin the friend thing for new Yr or Valentines day or sumthin ... lets see how that turns out




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I think it'd be a great idea. I'd love it.


Yeah, um, I think the stars are the same, think big dipper!


You may just see them at a different time. Hope my Astronomy class hasn't failed me. :)


http://www.starnamer.com Looks like it's about 30 bucks. Pay me 15 and I'll name her a star....lol.



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You won't be able to name a star after someone that has already named a star (or set of stars) I would think.


Check it out, it's an option.


It's a unique gift for 'romantics' like me. :p

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Originally posted by tiki

You won't be able to name a star after someone that has already named a star (or set of stars) I would think.


Check it out, it's an option.


It's a unique gift for 'romantics' like me. :p


It has to be a star that has not been taken already. Surprisingly enough I know about it :p

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I’m from aust & found it so strange that there is no saucepan or southern cross in the sky when your in the states.


But it is still a romantic idea, I think anyway!

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