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Should I move out and move on?

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my boyfriend and I live together in Paris. Prior to this, we were in a long distance relationship where he did many ridiculous things and I forgave him for it. Since we began living together just short of a month ago, all has been really super well. I have a very strong intuition though. So about two months ago I had a suspicion about this girl eleanora on his facebook. I knew she worked for his company, and even though she doesnt show her pic on facebook, and it says she lives currently in brussels, something made me really nervous about her.


my bf has recently befriended a male coworker named "Bob" and went running with him, he goes drinking with him etc. I saw eleanora "liked" one of their pictures.

Anyway last night he tells me that his friend Bob has been dating a girl from brussels who he met at a work function. He never mentioned this before, and has always played it off like Bob was single.

I said oh! I knew who it was. He said her name was eleanora and that he wanted them to join a double date we had planned for tonight. He was very excited and insisted they come.


I said sure but was skeptical. The plan for tonight was dinner and a movie with our two other friends. So I was cooking mexican dinner and everyone would come over and we would go to a movie. So, this morning I ask if something between my bf went on with eleanora. At first he smiled and said no nothing happened. I kept asking and the story kept changing. Finally he admits they used to sleep together.


Anyway, I flipped out that he invited this girl to my house, was excited about it! made me cook for her and he wasnt even going to mention they slept together. Not to mention he didnt even tell his friend. He also told me that tomorrow we were to go for drinks with this girl and another ex lover he had who is one of his best friends. (another one of our fueds but resolved)

I am sooo furious. Am I overreacting? I dont think he would be so keen on doing that for me!Should he not have told me? He just ran out of the house because I am a crazy lunatic in his opinion and he learned today that "this is what you get when you tell the truth"


ps they are all Italian me I am Canadian.

Edited by senoritabonita
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I thought while reading your post that it sounded a little familiar...then I checked your other threads and I suddenly realized who you are.


After the cheating and lying and generally treating you like a doormat, may I please be blunt and say:

What the f*ck did you expect?!?!?


*headdesk* x100000000000000000000000000000000

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