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My ex-boyfriend and I officially broke up in july. This was extremely hard for me as I would get (and still get) extreme anxiety attacks. Anyways, throughout the summer we were actually friends. No sexual stuff or anything. He claimed that he lost all his feelings for me and I just followed along with everything, believing that this was true (even more painful for me :() Well.. before I headed off to university, my ex came along and the first night in my dorm room he ended up staying the night! This happened again the next week, and even two more times in October. We've had numerous talks about this, and we both don't want a relationship together, however there is such a strong sense of sexual tension between us, it always happens! I'm worried that I have become addicted to my ex, considering that as recently as last night, I begged him (yes physically and emotionally) to stay in the morning, which is really pathetic. I want to get over him, but at the same time, I want him. All my friends think that I haven't seen him for at least a month, and i'm even starting to lie to my friends in order to see this guy! I've tried going a week without talking to him, and ignoring his calls, but for some reason there is a little part of me that craves his physical affection. Perhaps i'm confusing sex with love, I don't know. I have so much inner conflict within myself, that i'm completely lost and emotionally weak. I want to get over him desperately, but I have no clue what to do?!?!

please help, i'm starting to get desperate especially after last night :(

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If you want to get over him you NEED to stop talking to him. Sometimes it's the only thing to do. As long as he's around and in your life these feelings you have for him will continue. If you want a relationship with him then pursue it, but don't lie to your friends about it. That's never a good thing. If you don't want a relationship then you need to let him go.

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thanks for the advice! :p ..right now i'm taking it day by day, and i'm trying my best to avoid thinking about him (lol..whenever he pops up into my mind, I tell myself to think about apples :o ..no clue why, but for some reason it works!)..Also (and this always happens), I notice that I get extremely emotional and depressed after talking to him on the phone, and especially after seeing him in person. I don't know what this is, but all I can say is that the feelings I get after seeing him are horrible. *sigh* The only thing that i'm worried about is that I will cave in yet again to these dangerous desires for him, considering that i've done this about 10+ times, after telling myself that I would stop seeing him. Actually, he isn't usually the one that wants to meet me for sex, it's always the other way around. So i guess that he's not the reason for my emotional mishaps..it's me versus myself :p..substitutions are the best coping mechanisms I think, I still need to figure out what they are though lol.

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