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This girl...yeah she confuses me

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Okay...I am so confused. Like really really really confused what this girl thinks of me. But before we get to that I want to give a little bit of background that will help shape this issue. I want to start out by saying this so there is no confusion by what you read here. I am not looking for a girlfriend and certainly not a long distance relationship. Tried them two times and both didn't work out. My last one (which is my most recent ex) absolutely devastated me. It wasn't just a long distance relationship. We had visited each other several times. Gone on multiple vacations together and had plans for a future. A real future. We were suppose to move in together a couple days after we broke up. She is the only girl I have ever truly loved among all the girls I have been with. Okay enough with the past.


This girl and I play and online game together (WoW). I am very close to some of the people in my guild (look it up if you don't know) who I raid (look it up if you don't know) with. I informed the guild leader and officers of my situation in private and somehow the word got out. Upon hearing about this the girl who is my guild and raids with me approached me. We had never talked to each other outside the raid before this. She told me she had been in a similar situation with her recent ex cheating on her like mine did with me. She also understood how serious of a relationship I was in because she was ready to move and live with her ex too. She offered to hangout in game, text or just talk if I need someone to listen. I appreciated it and thanked her. I was feeling very lonely and was really gratefully that someone cared and could relate to my situation. Right away she told me that she "does not need a guy in her life to make her feel complete or be happy anymore and does not want to date". All that stuff and what she said was a month ago. Since then we pretty much do everything in-game together. She is a very busy person with the type of job she has but when she is home for the most part she is on Skype playing WoW or Diablo 3 with me. When she isn't online she is still texting, making random calls to me and posts stuff on my Facebook. Even though she told me she isn't looking for a boyfriend a month ago she constantly tells me what "type" of guy she is looking for. I don't fit the description in my mind. She is attracted to southern guys. I'm not a southern guy. She is attracted to guys with shaggy hair. I don't have long hair. She wants a tall guy cause she is 6' tall. I'm only 5'10''. She likes guys with beards. I don't like anything more than a goatee on me. But then she turns around again and tells me "what people look like doesn't matter to her. It's what is on the inside".


Normally she is VERY flirty with guys. That's an understatement and at most times a turn off for me even on a friend level. She told me in the past she has used guys to get stuff done or do things for her. But I'm not sure if she still does it or is doing it to me. I love and have fun doing anything with her. For the most part though it seems one sided. When I say it's one sided I don't mean she doesn't like playing with me. I mean when we do stuff together they often benefit her more. I am here for that reason. So here is the part that I am confused by and I know it's really hard to answer this without you being in my shoes. Am I being used? Does she like me more than a friend? Is she just a genuine friend who just likes hanging out with me? Because I am so vulnerable emotionally right now I cannot for the life of me tell which of the three it is. At times though I wonder if I am just being used to get stuff that she wants done. All I know is that I really do not want to be used. I have been in previous relationships and it's not a great feeling. I was hoping someone can read this and make their own observations about the situation. Oh and we are not teens. I am 27 and she is 24. Thank you!

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I am a girl on wow everyday age 27.

I am 6 months since my breakup maybe I can give you some insight.


For the first 2 months of my breakup wow is def the place I went too for attention without having to actually have a rebound I was single for the first time in ages so I flirted to my hearts content, also told the guys that I had 0 interest in dating, its very easy to hook guys on that game even if you tell them you have no interest because they like the attention just as much, now im bored of that got my fill.


If she just went through a breakup its likely she is doing the same doesn't mean your friendship on there is worthless tho it sounds like you both enjoy each other and heal together.


If you're worried about being used stop giving her things see if she hangs out with you just as much, hopefully she will a lot of people are god aweful boring on there!

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to sum it all up given what you said about her breakup and that she's flirting with more then 1 guy she's prob doing what I did a little ego boost trying to feel wanted as much as possible. Stay her friend tho having somone to talk to through your breakups is good and after time maybe she will stop flirting with ppl, I did once I got over my breakup.

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