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Help!!! I can't read her signals!

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Alright, this is gonna be lengthy...but I feel I need to put it all in here so anyone taking the time to read and answer this can help me. Alright, I am a 19 year old college student, I am a referee for flag football and 2 weeks ago, I was working with one of my coworkers. Well, she is 21, and a senior. The first time we talked, we hit it off, we would make jokes at each other, play the pushing game (slightly pushing each other) well, a week went by and I saw her the next week at work again. This time we talked more, joked around with each other a little more, I even noticed what I thought were glances my way through out the day. The next day, she had in her profile on AIM "Will he ever figure it out? .......sigh......". I must say, I have never been great at reading signals, and am a little cautious to do anything because 1. she is older 2.we have only know each other for 2 weeks, talking only 2 days and 3. she is a co worker. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated

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