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hidden camera

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you think that is bad i am being acussed by boyfriend of having private investigators following him, how arrogant can you get?!


because i ask him where he is going or what he is doing today, only out of casual interest and he thinks it's to see if i will approve of what he is doing because i had problems with jealousy in the past, now he has me pegged as that way all the time1 how annoying! what a jerk! but i love him anyway.......

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I think your communication is extremely poor and his level of maturity is extremely low.


When two people are seeing each other, or just friends, it's very common to ask what's up in the other person's life...or what their plans are for the day. It's just nice to know and has nothing to do with being nosey, jealous, or paranoid.


I think if your boyfriend has accused you of having him followed by a hidden camera and he really meant it, he has serious problems that require immediate psychiatric intervention.


Your boyfriend is a social midget.

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