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Stressful times makes me weak


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I feel when times are tough and seems that nothing is going right for me is when I think of my ex the most. Just remembering that when I needed to hear her voice, it made all that other crap seem meaningless. But now, I can't call her.


The weakest moments are the worst....

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Ive felt the same. My STBX was my best friend, we spoke about everything. He was my rock and when we split it was hard not talking to him everyday and telling about my day. We went from full contact to nothing. And the day was harder when he would call to speak to my son and I would hear him say, 'ok buddy talk to you tomorrow' and not even bother to speak to me too.


Feel better. :)

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Ive felt the same. My STBX was my best friend, we spoke about everything. He was my rock and when we split it was hard not talking to him everyday and telling about my day. We went from full contact to nothing. And the day was harder when he would call to speak to my son and I would hear him say, 'ok buddy talk to you tomorrow' and not even bother to speak to me too.


Feel better. :)


Thanks! I'm trying to find other ways to cope with the low points and hopefully over time, I will have a different rock.

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I cant tell you how to cope with the low points, but I have noticed that with time, I cry less and I don't feel that stab in the gut as often. TIME my #1 enemy is actually helping me. But I do notice a slight change in me. I wore makeup and did my hair for the first time in three months.


Im 31, 2 kids and 1 life. I have to move on. I just have too. Repeat, I HAVE TO MOVE ON.


Good Night.:D

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