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For Those of Us Who Ended There Affairs, Either By Choice or Reluctantly

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As someone who had to end an affair and am moving on with my life. Day 6 No Contact, 13 days out of 14 No Contact, No Alcohol for 2 weeks! I was reading this great novel called Beautiful Ruins. Toward the end of the book, a mother gives her son this gem. A daily affirmation.


"The closer your desire is to doing the right thing, the happier you will be."


In my mind, as someone who is determined to end a 6 year affair. I desire to get over it and move on. With that, I'm happier every day I go NC, don't drink. Sure a little emptier without all the excitement. But I can live with my conscience. I like myself better. I'm finally imposing some self discipline where it's lacking.

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