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Beautiful women everywhere, attractive men nowhere...

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So....you don't find any men attractive in the city you live, or guys that try to pick you up aren't as attractive as you want?


Is it possible that you're not as attractive as you think you are? Or is it possible that this a gross exaggeration?




This is my best guess as well.


First, the OP states it is a "type" issue. How is it possible most of the men are of a race the OP deems unattractive, but most of the women aren't. Multi racial couples are not the majority in this country. you can't seriously claim most of the men are unattractive due to race, and then say the women are attractive when they are likely the same race.


So I figure you don't like men, especially since other girls chimed in... From East coast/Mid west/West coast... there are NO good looking men?? Come on, but you say you aren't gay, fine. I won't argue it.


That only leaves one of two things, either you have no idea what a realistic man is suppose to look like, or you are pricing yourself out the game.


I'm inclined to go with the latter. I refuse to believe the op has watched so much TV her idea of good looking man is warped.


Its like a guy talking about how he is a great catch, yet no one wants him... and proceeds to point fingers.


It is always easier to blame someone or something else, instead of looking inward for the real problem. lol

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...I guess the OP has a limited look she is sexually attracted to, which she cannot help. It is not her being picky at all, as she cannot help who she is attracted to...


The OP clearly stated, "Beautiful women everywhere, attractive men nowhere...", I don't know of any demo-graph in the world where the general population of women differ wildly from the general population of men.


I would be extremely academically interested if you or someone could point such jurisdiction out for me.

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I agree with you. I think attraction is important to a degree but my gf that I was probably least physically attracted to ended up being the longest relationship I ever had. I certainly wasn't repulsed by her, but I was willing to get to know her before deciding whether or not she was "attractive" enough to be with.


My best friend is with a girl that physically, is way better looking than him but he's a super cool dude and slightly famous locally (musician). But when she originally got with him she didn't know who he was so it had nothing to do with that.


I often times hear women that don't know who he is say "why is SHE with HIM!" which really rubs me the wrong way cause he's seriously one of the best guys I know.



I've also heard women that know who he is say "I'm totally going to get that guy to eff me tonight". At the same time, these are the very same women that probably wouldn't have anything to do with him if he wasn't slightly popular in the community.



I pretty much need to end up with a guy who is, well; just a really nice guy! Who I am not repulsed by and can grow to be super sexually into by getting to know him!


And of course, a stable job, having friends or being a student towards a stable job is key!


You're friend sounds like a top guy, and those c*nts who comment on him and his girlfriend being "mismatched" are, ironically, not the type of girl HE would even consider dating; a happy and positive girl who does not harp on about peoples looks, or lack there of, is much more beautiful than a pretty girl who comments about his looks not being good enough for any given girl.

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OP - why don't you just get to KNOW a guy who you are not physically repulsed by, and who is a really kind and amazing person?


You should learn by now that, since you are not attracted to anyone and are, in turn, dateless as a result, that perhaps you need to get to know a guy and fall for his looks as you fall for HIM.


Not everyone feels attracted right away to a person who they end up being CRAZY about.

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I think you ladies should start being honest about this. If you are even marginally attractive, you have a much easier time than men in the dating world.


The only thing that bothers me about this is that none of you are willing to admit it.

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I think you ladies should start being honest about this. If you are even marginally attractive, you have a much easier time than men in the dating world.


The only thing that bothers me about this is that none of you are willing to admit it.


What happens if they admit it? Do you win a prize?

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No one offers a prize against impossible odds.


First of all...I don't believe women have it easier, in fact, I'd argue it's the other way around. Men have it easier. We have the benefit of not only having women approach us, but we also approach women (as is usually the case). There are more men that approach than women...so men have more options.


You follow what I'm saying? You can either sit on the stands and mope or you can suit up and get in the game.


Anyways...this whole "I wish women would just admit they have it easier" just makes me cringe. Who the hell cares. Some people have it easier...some don't. It's like sitting there moping because your neighbor has a better house and car than you do.

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I think you ladies should start being honest about this. If you are even marginally attractive, you have a much easier time than men in the dating world.


The only thing that bothers me about this is that none of you are willing to admit it.




Oh really?


Well. I have been used for sex. I have had guys pretend to be into me to get sex.


I have had issues finding the right guy, even though I am dating a few right now.


I think I am a decent enough girl to get to know; educated, like talking about a wide range of topics, well travelled and lived overseas, positive and cute enough to some guys.


Not all women just come across great, nice guys and many guys lie, who at first seem like "nice guys".


Dating is NOT easy for anyone, man.


I enjoy it though. You can't take it too seriously, I've learnt, whether you have a penis or not!

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Oh really?


Well. I have been used for sex. I have had guys pretend to be into me to get sex.


I have had issues finding the right guy, even though I am dating a few right now.


I think I am a decent enough girl to get to know; educated, like talking about a wide range of topics, well travelled and lived overseas, positive and cute enough to some guys.


Not all women just come across great, nice guys and many guys lie, who at first seem like "nice guys".


Dating is NOT easy for anyone, man.


I enjoy it though. You can't take it too seriously, I've learnt, whether you have a penis or not!





If you are marginally attractive as a female it's easier for you to get LAID. Dating is a whole new can of worms.

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First of all...I don't believe women have it easier, in fact, I'd argue it's the other way around. Men have it easier.


You're joking, right?


We have the benefit of not only having women approach us, but we also approach women (as is usually the case). There are more men that approach than women...so men have more options.


That does't make any sense. How many men turn down dates as compared to women? The answer is very few; and you know it.

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I'm not joking.


If you go based on the gender stereotypes that men are the pursuers...then that means WE have more control. We get to pick and choose who we want to date whereas women have to sit and hope the right guy picks them.


Obviously, I'm over simplifying, but it's all about perception.


I've been asked out by women and have turned them down because I didn't like them romantically.


Even the idea that men will bite at whatever's put in front of them is just a horrible horrible generalization that is so untrue.

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Everything you just posted is nonsense. But you win. I'm wrong.


I bet every girl on this forum is lol because they got two men to argue about what is going on in a girl's brain.

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Everything you just posted is nonsense. But you win. I'm wrong.


I bet every girl on this forum is lol because they got two men to argue about what is going on in a girl's brain.


I'm not lol

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Everything you just posted is nonsense. But you win. I'm wrong.


I bet every girl on this forum is lol because they got two men to argue about what is going on in a girl's brain.


Oh, they're laughing all right. Just not at what you think they are.

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Perhaps I should consider myself lucky to find so many people attractive.


I rarely find people ugly.



I go to work and think "wow. ALL my coworkers are attractive. huh."



Go to the gym "holy crap everyone looks fantastic." lol.

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Perhaps I should consider myself lucky to find so many people attractive.


I rarely find people ugly.



I go to work and think "wow. ALL my coworkers are attractive. huh."



Go to the gym "holy crap everyone looks fantastic." lol.


Yes, I agree in part with you, in every man there is an attractive side, and each is beautiful in its own way. But this subject can not be seen from different points of view, because the beauty is a vast concept. But for each person beauty is measured differently on the basis of his opinion.

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I can see why the mods consolidate threads now. This forum is getting boring and redundant. How many more "picky" threads do we get today/this week? Over under is 9.

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I can see why the mods consolidate threads now. This forum is getting boring and redundant. How many more "picky" threads do we get today/this week? Over under is 9.

Read our Lovetalk archive. Concerns over love don't change with time. Redundancy in topics should be expected though the people aren't.

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When I lived on the West coast, I thought there were attractive people EVERYWHERE. Here on the East coast...totally different story, it's the complete opposite. For every person that is attractive there's got to be at least 4 who aren't.

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When I lived on the West coast, I thought there were attractive people EVERYWHERE. Here on the East coast...totally different story, it's the complete opposite. For every person that is attractive there's got to be at least 4 who aren't.

All the pretty people went to Hollywood to be in the pictures.

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Anyways...this whole "I wish women would just admit they have it easier" just makes me cringe. Who the hell cares. Some people have it easier...some don't. It's like sitting there moping because your neighbor has a better house and car than you do.


The grass is always greener where you water it.






Some people just expect things to be greener just because. Never mind putting work into it. Then they see someone that they assume has it easier than them and are under the impression that it just magically happens.

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