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Why Does my ex continue to call me?

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I'm not going to give you a whole story that no one cares about so here's the short version. Haha. My ex and I were in a relationship or 'seeing' each other for about maybe a little over a year and a half. He told me we needed space and then got a new girlfriend. He is still dating her at this moment. Every since we broke it off he keeps calling me. The most he'll go is a week without trying to speak to me. He says that he doesn't like having sex with his girlfriend and wants me. Then why is he still with her? I just don't know why he hasn't given up yet. He's been calling me religiously for 8 months now. My main question is why does he want to cheat and why does he still want me. He get jealous too. He's always trying to know where I am.

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I don't answer his calls. I also blocked him number and he continues to find a way to contact me.


i've been there, girl, I know what you are going through. He is the mess, yet he always comes back and puts an incredible amount of effort into getting you back.


The thing that I've understood is the following: all of his efforts focus exclusively into him making you say yes (getting you back) and zero into him changing - thus fixing the thing that made you break up. He doesn't want to change. He only wants you back and have things his way :). Aren't they smart ;) ?


The way I have fixed this situation was the following: no more blocked calls, no more blocked texts. Every single time he would contact me, I would answer and tell him very calmly: I AM NOT INTERESTED.


"let's meet up!" - I am not interested

"sooo, what have you been up to lately?" - "I don't want to talk to you"

"and... are you seeing anyone?" - "I don't want to see you, talk to you, hear from you and it's none of your businesses whom I am seeing"


Trust me, keep this up and I guarantee he'll get bored of contacting you. I also know that you get a bit of a kick from his numerous attempts to establish contact... but girl, he is simple preying on a sure, fragile, victim.


If he were serious about you, you'd have known it by now.


It is a toxic, dysfunctional dynamic and you have the power to stop it and move on with your life. With a guy who is willing to give you everything, focus on you and make you happy. Unfortunately, it is you responsibility to let go of that leech and go find him.


best of luck

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Every single time he would contact me, I would answer and tell him very calmly: I AM NOT INTERESTED.


"let's meet up!" - I am not interested

"sooo, what have you been up to lately?" - "I don't want to talk to you"

"and... are you seeing anyone?" - "I don't want to see you, talk to you, hear from you and it's none of your businesses whom I am seeing"



This. SOOO this. I had an ex that wouldn't quit calling me, and I took this tack. Don't engage, don't entertain any of his appeals, and just repeat "I do not want to see you. I'm not interested" over and over.


My ex stopped calling me after I tried this a few times. The final time we spoke I said baldy "I've moved on. I'm not interested. Please stop calling. Goodbye."


Just don't get emotional. And good luck out there!

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i've been there, girl, I know what you are going through. He is the mess, yet he always comes back and puts an incredible amount of effort into getting you back.


The thing that I've understood is the following: all of his efforts focus exclusively into him making you say yes (getting you back) and zero into him changing - thus fixing the thing that made you break up. He doesn't want to change. He only wants you back and have things his way :). Aren't they smart ;) ?


The way I have fixed this situation was the following: no more blocked calls, no more blocked texts. Every single time he would contact me, I would answer and tell him very calmly: I AM NOT INTERESTED.


"let's meet up!" - I am not interested

"sooo, what have you been up to lately?" - "I don't want to talk to you"

"and... are you seeing anyone?" - "I don't want to see you, talk to you, hear from you and it's none of your businesses whom I am seeing"


Trust me, keep this up and I guarantee he'll get bored of contacting you. I also know that you get a bit of a kick from his numerous attempts to establish contact... but girl, he is simple preying on a sure, fragile, victim.


If he were serious about you, you'd have known it by now.


It is a toxic, dysfunctional dynamic and you have the power to stop it and move on with your life. With a guy who is willing to give you everything, focus on you and make you happy. Unfortunately, it is you responsibility to let go of that leech and go find him.


best of luck





Thank you so much. Maybe he does love the chase. I'm going to try this!!

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