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Bf is acting protective with his cell phone

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I've been living with my bf for 4 months now and for the past weeks he's been acting very strange. Lately, he's been putting his cell on private and at times doesn't picks up when it rings. When I asked about, he got pissed off and said I should mind my own business and then added For your information, I'm not hiding anything.


He always has his cell with me. If I even take a peek at it, that will create an argument. Other things I've noticed is he doesn't seem to want sex anymore, doesn't tells me I love you as much as before, caught on the computer once but he closed the window so fast and he came late from late 3 times already saying he had a double shift.


I have a feeling he's cheating but covering up his tracks so well. Otherwise why the need to have his cell with him all the time and get pissed off at me easily if I merely ask a question? Should I assume he's cheating and break up? I'm already having doubts and distrusting him and have never felt like this in my life.

Edited by MissyPritz
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For your information, he is hiding something.


That is all. Dump him before he cheats on you (if he already isn't cheating). Either way, his attitude isn't something you are going to want to deal with long term anyways, as you're just getting a peek at his aggressive behavior.

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For your information, he is hiding something.


That is all. Dump him before he cheats on you (if he already isn't cheating).

You're right, he's up to something and for sure is not good. If he had nothing to hide as he told me then he wouldn't mind answering his cell while I'm there. I don't like this feeling at all.


I'm going to tell him it's over because I feel like I can't trust him now. I really think he's cheating. This isn't his usual self.

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I would dump him! I had a boyfriend do that same thing to me I was never allowed to see his phone. I didn't use to make a big deal about phones but now after that guy cheated on me and I found out I always say if they are randomly telling me they don't want me going thru their phone even tho I haven't tried or asked to see it its a huge red flag and Im Done!

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I would dump him! I had a boyfriend do that same thing to me I was never allowed to see his phone. I didn't use to make a big deal about phones but now after that guy cheated on me and I found out I always say if they are randomly telling me they don't want me going thru their phone even tho I haven't tried or asked to see it its a huge red flag and Im Done!
Sorry to hear you actually had to go through that. Why do they cheat anyway? I haven't done anything wrong but be there for him.


If he stopped loving me and doesn't want the relationship to go on, why can't he be a be a man and break up? Why be all secretive and defensive?

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If only it were as simple as when someone wants to be with somebody else they left their current SO, this world would be such a less painful place.


Unfortunately a lot of people are greedy, they want their cake and to eat it too. There are convenient reasons why they are with their SO and reasons why the OM/OW isn't good enough to be relationship material. They have their chess pieces right where they want them, so no, it's not that he wants the relationship to be over and break up, he wants BOTH OF YOU.


What's so hurtful about a lot of cheaters is how bad they treat their SO while they're cheating as if the cheating alone wasn't bad enough. Then when SO finds out, they stoop as low as blaming their SO for why they cheated. Yet once the relationship is over.....they are crying like little sad puppy dogs for having lost YOU but then comes the twist because then they take out the anger of losing you on the OM/OW.

OM/OW isn't better off than you are. When cheated on people tend to fall into this "he/she must treat her/him better than me!" "he/she must love him/her and not me!" nah...OMs/OWs are treated accordingly....as the dirty little secret that they are.

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Well, I don't like people going through my stuff because I'm a private person, and there isn't any reason for it.


In your case, it definitely sounds suspicious. I can see if you were trying to find out bank account info on his computer and stuff like that, but being overly protective is just weird as long as you're not being overly nosey.

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Yeah this guy isn't even being discrete, quite the opposite, he's being OBVIOUS.


Maybe he's trying to break up with her? Or maybe it's his mom checking in on him and he's embarrassed...way too many factors for this trustworthy single guy to analyze.

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Maybe he's trying to break up with her? Or maybe it's his mom checking in on him and he's embarrassed...way too many factors for this trustworthy single guy to analyze.
I've dumped him a couple hours ago and no, he's never been this way before and I'm definitely not a jealous nor overly nosy woman.


I was just making him a sandwich that day he close the window on whatever site he was looking and become all defensive saying ''Why are you snooping on me, etc''?

I was like ''What the hell you mean I'm snooping on you, I'm making you a damn sandwich and it's not my fault you got something to hide since you close the window as soon as I came''


I don't care if he cheated on not at this point. I refuse to deal with poor treatment. That's not a way to talk to someone you love.

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Yeah this guy isn't even being discrete, quite the opposite, he's being OBVIOUS.
I just broke up. I believed he might have cheated or was planning to. If it wasn't that then getting treated like that is another reason to break up.


If he did cheat than in the end, this will be discovered. The world is so small anyway.

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Unfortunately a lot of people are greedy, they want their cake and to eat it too. There are convenient reasons why they are with their SO and reasons why the OM/OW isn't good enough to be relationship material. They have their chess pieces right where they want them, so no, it's not that he wants the relationship to be over and break up, he wants BOTH OF YOU.
It's so incredible how selfish they can be even when nothing is missing in the relationship. Maybe I could understand if I would have been a frigid gf that hardly ever gets wants sex but if anything, he was the one turning me down lately and making a big deal about how he's too tired from work and I don't seem to understand that. Yet, he was happy having sex every single day before. It was a sudden, out of nowhere change.
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I've dumped him a couple hours ago and no, he's never been this way before and I'm definitely not a jealous nor overly nosy woman.


I was just making him a sandwich that day he close the window on whatever site he was looking and become all defensive saying ''Why are you snooping on me, etc''?

I was like ''What the hell you mean I'm snooping on you, I'm making you a damn sandwich and it's not my fault you got something to hide since you close the window as soon as I came''


I don't care if he cheated on not at this point. I refuse to deal with poor treatment. That's not a way to talk to someone you love.


Good for you! he's clearly the fool on this one. Kudos for looking out for yourself and not putting up with his BS. Even if he didn't cheat he clearly doesn't care bout your feelings.

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I've been living with my bf for 4 months now and for the past weeks he's been acting very strange. Lately, he's been putting his cell on private and at times doesn't picks up when it rings. When I asked about, he got pissed off and said I should mind my own business and then added For your information, I'm not hiding anything.


He always has his cell with me. If I even take a peek at it, that will create an argument. Other things I've noticed is he doesn't seem to want sex anymore, doesn't tells me I love you as much as before, caught on the computer once but he closed the window so fast and he came late from late 3 times already saying he had a double shift.


I have a feeling he's cheating but covering up his tracks so well. Otherwise why the need to have his cell with him all the time and get pissed off at me easily if I merely ask a question? Should I assume he's cheating and break up? I'm already having doubts and distrusting him and have never felt like this in my life.


Doesn't even matter if he's hiding something or not.


He tells you to shut up(mind your own business) and is not affectionate in any way. Oh he also doesn't really care if you're feeling bad or insecure.


Why are you with him again?

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Good for you for dumping him! Best wishes.


She's not clear yet. Has to get past the begging to be taken back part that usually follows jerk behavior. Ignore he doesn't seem worth it OP

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