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im scared to break up with my boyfriend and some other things......


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hi im a 16 yr old gurl and i got a problem i dont kno what i should do or who could help me thats why im posting here.


My boyfriend the im in a relationship with right now i dont wanna be with him because he makes me do things i dont wanna do. Its really weird and i have never heard of this happening to anyone but he makes me have sex with his friends. If i dont he gets really madd at me and he doesnt talk to me the entire time im with him. I've had sex with 2 of his friends already becuz he's forced me to.


I kno the solution would b to break up with him but im really scared he just called me about 5 min ago and he was really angry askin "where has ur ass been all week" im friends with some of his friends (ones that i havent slept with) and i dont want him to ruin my relationships with them bcuz they r the only people i got


im also scared talkiin to him on the phone cuz i wanna break up with him and i kno i cant and if i finally got the guts to im afraid of wut he might do or say

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is he physically abusive to you or is it only verbal?


do you have someone there you can talk to about this who could help keep you safe if you break up with him?

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Originally posted by Used

hi im a 16 yr old gurl and i got a problem i dont kno what i should do or who could help me thats why im posting here.


My boyfriend the im in a relationship with right now i dont wanna be with him because he makes me do things i dont wanna do. Its really weird and i have never heard of this happening to anyone but he makes me have sex with his friends. If i dont he gets really madd at me and he doesnt talk to me the entire time im with him. I've had sex with 2 of his friends already becuz he's forced me to.


I kno the solution would b to break up with him but im really scared he just called me about 5 min ago and he was really angry askin "where has ur ass been all week" im friends with some of his friends (ones that i havent slept with) and i dont want him to ruin my relationships with them bcuz they r the only people i got


im also scared talkiin to him on the phone cuz i wanna break up with him and i kno i cant and if i finally got the guts to im afraid of wut he might do or say


What! :mad:


You need to go in and tell your parents what is happening right now!

This is abuse, and serious.

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honey...merin's right. this isn't one to mess around with. talk to your parents.


if they won't or can't or something, how about a school counselor/teacher or a friend's mom. If that fails, look in the phone book under Abuse. There likely is an abuse hotline in your area or a Spouse abuse center where you could get some help.


Top thread in Abuse forum has links to hotlines.


let us know what happens. jackieq

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If indeed this post is valid, just like the previous two posters stated, you need to tell your parents. Assuming you're young (as you sound young from your post) they can help get you out of this situation.


He forced you to have sex with 2 of his friends with threats of no longer talking to you??????:confused:


Okay you seriously need to get some help for yourself in this situation...Has he been abusive in any other ways (physical, ect)

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Thanx for your advice everyone

one of the options mentioned isnt possible for me to do because my parents dont even know that im not a virgin I should probably talk to someone though and I think not having that person to talk to is one of my biggest problems. My friends dont understand and/or dont kno how to help and I dont even feel comfortable telling them the whole situation cuz it makes me feel really bad.


I went to talk to him last night and when i got there he knew i was upset and i told him that I couldnt deal with the pain he was putting me through and i couldnt believe he made me do the things i did. He didnt say anything to me. (i really dont think he was listening) i told him it wasnt working between us and then he pulled me aside to talk to me away from everyone else. i followed him and he tried making me have sex with him. i told him over and over again that i wasnt going to have sex with him, and he finally stopped.


i was around him the rest of the night and he didnt even talk to me. When he left he didnt even say goodbye. I guess this could be a good thing in my case, but im not too sure.

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Don't give in to anyones demand for sex, both parties should consent to sex before it takes place. Anything else can be considered rape.


Kick his arse to the kirb and go find someone who'll treat you the way you deserved.


Btw i trust protection was used everytime you've had sex, else you might have to go visit the doctor for a STD check.

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Originally posted by bluechocolate

i was around him the rest of the night and he didnt even talk to me


Stop hanging around with him.



Exactly claims of abuse and forcing of sex are being alleged here yet you still wanted to be around him the rest of the night?


You need to stay away from him and not be alone with him or any other guy right now for that matter.

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Originally posted by bluechocolate

i was around him the rest of the night and he didnt even talk to me


Stop hanging around with him.

actually i wasnt with him the rest of the night i was with my friends and he just happened to be around. He was just doin wutever the **** he wanted and that didnt bother me besides the fact that he still thinks that im with him and i tried breaking up with him but it didnt work and he still thinks im with him and the problem is i still want to be with him because i care about him even tho i know he doesnt care about me. Im just attatched and i realize that last night i sorta resolved the issue but my problem still isnt gone.
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is physically abusive or do you think he will be? Reason I keep asking is that I think getting away from him is a good thing but I want you to stay safe while you do it.


Also, reconsider telling your mom...especially if your afraid he'll physically hurt you. She may be disappointed you've lost your virginity but most parents do come thru in situations like this cause the bottom line is they love their kids. If you truly do not think that she will handle it (ie. she'll kick you out or something over this...how about some other adults around you or a counselor).


hmmmm...I don't know if this will work, but think about someone in your life who's been a big + influence for you. How did they make you feel about yourself. That's the feeling you should be getting from your SO. Doesn't sound like this guys does it...

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