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Special Case..is this cheating??

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Maybe I'm overly cynical, but it sounds to me like you're a rebound. I don't think her Mom is making her go on these dates. She may be setting them up, but I think your "gf" wants to go on them and is just using her mom as an excuse so you won't get mad (or as mad, anyway).


You said that when she got back from the date she said it was ok but that she couldn't see herself with him. If she didn't even want to go on the date, she wouldn't have said something like that. The fact that she said she couldn't see herself with him means that she was at least considering that possibility on some level.


Plus, she didn't invite you to go home with her for the weekend. Add all that to the fact that she's 4 years older than you and it sounds like you're taking this relationship more seriously than she is.

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I would honestly focus on the fact that this may be the lowest effort relationship I've ever heard of: You have sexual relations with very little dating and it's available across the hall.


Honestly, I think you're too available to her but this is what I suggest: stop pursuing her. You've already got some intimacy and some simple dating pleasure, so don't push it. Let her come home with whatever attitude she has, and basically be pleasant but uninterested. Let her make the next move on you.


In the meantime, start going out at night, not being around, seeing other women.


2 things will happen: you won't care too much about her anymore and she'll be dying to know what you are doing.

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