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Question to the ladies

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I know this question is retarted, but I just want to get it out of my head.


Your single, and if you some interest in a guy that have never really met, and he calls you one day (lets say he got the number from one of your friends or sumthing), just something you did expected, and asked you out. How would that make your day?

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I think I may feel a little caught off guard and probably slightly perturbed. I'd prefer he happen to cross my path at a social setting.

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Depends how hard he had to dig to find my number. If it was difficult it would be stalker-ish and I'd be freaked. If we shared a very close friend in common it would make sense to me and I'd be happy about it. Either way, if I accepted a date with a virtual stranger I would make sure to meet him at a public place.

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Guess I wouldn't mind meeting someone if I was still single. Although maybe I would bring a couple of friends with me too suss him out while meeting him. That would make me feel more safer and more confident about meeting him.


Or like what Savethedrama says meet in a public place.

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It would be flattering. But it might make me a little nervous when the date actually came around. I think it's better to surprise her by asking in person instead of over the phone.

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