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Should I break no-contact - and how to do it?


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Hi guys,


I posted my story here about two weeks. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t50056/


Here is a quick resumé for those who don't want to read it. I had a girlfriend for three months, that I knew for 2 years as a friends/aquaintance (somewhere in between), and we found out she was pregnant after these three months. I moved in with here and things were great for two weeks. Things were also fabulous before (we made a beautiful trip together - I met her parents and she met mine). After two weeks of living together she started acting more and more reclusive and basically built walls between us. I had a little freek out of anxiety that caused this. I tried to talk with her for about three weeks. Impossible. Finally, she announced she was moving to another city to live with her parents. She was leaving me without having talked 1 minutes about what was making her feel bad. I begged and pleaded for her to stay and asked her to talk about it. She didn't want to. We than lived together for three weeks and didn't talk much since she was always in a bad mood. I did everything A1 in those last weeks. Cleaned and paid for everything. The appartement was always flawless. This is the basic version.


It's been three weeks now and she hasn't called me. Neither have I called her. She told me I would be invited for the first ecography which should be due very soon. I received a letter yesterday in which she took care of some bills (her cell etc...) and in which she gave me her phone and adress. She also said I could call if I had questions. (She hadn't left a note when she moved out and I had no idea of her new adress - I figured it out from the net though).


My original plan was to not call her and wait for her to call for the ecography. Now, I have a potential roomate that might move in, but I need to ask her some details of her plans in order for me to know when I am leaving this flat and moving to the other city (want to be close to the baby).


I need to call her first and break no-contact.




1 - Should I call? or try to find some way out (don't think it is really possible - only if calling is a big no-no)

2 - If I call, what do I say? Should I keep it really short and buisness like or is this too cold?

3 - Should I try to talk about our relationship or just avoid the topic?


I am really scared to break the no-contact. Everyday still I think of her and my heart hurts. I don't think I am healed enough to talk and am scared to blow it.


How would you guys go about it? Remember, she is pregnant so this isn't just some ex which I can keep away from.


Thanks guys,

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2 - If I call, what do I say? Should I keep it really short and buisness like or is this too cold?


If you have some valid questions that only she can answer, then by all means, call her. Keep to your questions, enquire as to her health & that of the baby's and don't mention the "two of us", anything about your relationship or the possibility of getting back together. Keeping it short & business like doesn't have to be cold, just be polite.

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I thought of the whole thing today and found a way to avoid contacting her for now.

I think this is best. I'll see what happens next. Hopefully, she will call me some day for the ecography. It should be in the next few weeks.


Thanks chocolate.

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