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Why does everything seem so strange?

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So I met this girl at the beginning of summer and we started dating about a month ago. She's in very difficult science classes and had a hard time doing well on her first test in one of the classes. She tells me this guy she used to talk to tutors her in the course and she meets him to do so. Last night I texted her saying I wanted to call her, she said she was at a study hall with this guy studying for this class cause it's the only day he would be available to help her. It was weird to me that she'd need his help now considering she just had her test last Wednesday for the class despite doing poorly on the test. She told me she'd be there for a while but I told her I'd talk to her if I was still awake. 4 am rolls by and she hasn't texted and I start to get suspicious so I text her asking her what's up and she says "sorry... Long time I know." And I tell her "well okay, but we need to talk... I have something important to bring up." She never responds and I get a little worried. So at around 5:30 I drive over to my fraternity house and pass by the place she claimed to be and her car was not there. I'm just really confused and all signs point to her being with that guy and not telling me..... What do y'all think? What should I do? I'm really frustrated cause I know our relationship isn't very serious, but she knows that I like her a lot and she says she likes me the same. So what's the deal...?

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Doesnt look good........you need to sit down and have a talk with her...hopefully she will be honest with you...only her and the guy she was with know the etruth.......good luck.....deb

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