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Fork in the road

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I'm 18 and still in yr 12 and my bf has just finished yr 12, he is not going to go to UNI which is fine with me but he has now decieded that everything suck and he isn't going to get a job until HE wants to and if his parents kick him out well so be it. I really want him to be more ambitious only because it would probably fill that rather large gap in his life, give him something to do that he actually likes. I've tried tellling him it well be better for him if he gets a job but he doesn't listen all he thinks about is how much his life sucks.


Can you give me some advice on what I should say to show him what I'm trying to say, or tell me a better way to leave him alone

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There is nothing you can say or do to change a bum. He may be that way for life...or he may become energized when his parents kick him out of the house.


Your bigger problem is having a boyfriend who keeps telling you how much life sucks. Hey, remind him you are part of his life. So he thinks you suck, uh???


You can either gain some time and go find a responsible boyfriend who doesn't think life sucks NOW or you can wait a while. But don't complain. There is NOTHING you can do to change his attitude until he is ready.


Why does everybody think you can add or omit options on people like you do cars and other things???? It's wild.

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