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Not Going To Let It Slip

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Hey there, so let me explain my situation with you guys all right. There's this girl that I'm currently crushing on and I have been trying to find ways to communicate with her but the main problem is that I don't have her number.


The only communication bridge that I have is through Facebook / Twitter. Although I have a friend who has her number but I think it'll be too creepy for me to suddenly text her. It'll make me look like a stalker and that's one bad impression to make. After all, we are strangers to begin with.


So it's alright for me to like start off a Facebook conversation with her? Even so, what should I say? My main objective is to like get to know her better and just keep the conversation going. Just like a friend.


There's a similar incident that happened to me in the past and due to my shyness, I let the chance slip pass me & I'm gonna suck up all of my courage and try to befriend her.


I'm just afraid that she'll be too creep out. So is there any other better ways to communicate with her also?


F.YI. We are from different school.

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Your main problem isn't that you don't have her number, its that you are crushing on someone you don't even know. Being attracted to someone isn't creepy, but crushing on a stranger certainly is! And they will be able to tell.


And don't try to approach it "just like a friend" or that is exactly what you will end up being.


You shouldn't worry so much about your method of contacting her, instead worry about having something worthwhile to say to her. However you get in touch with her, just keep it simple and straightforward to start. "Hey, you're pretty cute, my friend says you like _____. Want to go to ____ this weekend?" Or something like that. Whatever fits.


Or better yet, have your friend invite her out to hang out with the two of you (or a group) and get to know her that way.

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