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Selfish Friend.

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Selfish Friend.

Oh man wtf do you do when your friend isn't thankful for ONE thing she has!?!? IS it so much to ask just to look around at your life and realize crap isn't that horrid!....I've known her forever and I've known her family forever...she has it so well compared to alot of people!! ALL SHE DOES IS SIT AND COMPLAIN ABOUT HOW MUCH LIFE SUCKS, HOW SHE DOESN'T HAVE A BOY FRIEND, HOW HER PARENTS DON'T HELP HER OUT WITH ANYTHING....I just don't understand it because life DOESN'T suck, she DOESN'T need a boyfriend, and her parents DO support her and help her with everything....she's just so selfish and it pisssses me right off....I don't understand what her problem is.

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She needs a rude awakening about how much life CAN really suck for people. Perhaps she needs to do some volunteer work at a women's shelter and see how much life sucks when you get a bf for the sake of getting a bf and that guy is abusive and you have no money because you never learned to do anything for yourself and you're completely dependent on others to sustain you.


I know a lot of girls like this, who take their own good fortunes for granted, who whine when their parents won't buy them a new car.


Sorry to say this about your friend but she sounds like a spoiled brat but she'll grow up one day.

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maybe you should tell her how you feel - i.e. how it sucks to always be around someone so negative. If she doesn't change, stop hanging out with her then maybe she will really see how her life can suck.


She is lucky to have you as a friend.

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