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I can transfer thoughts (telepathically?) to my boyfriend. Can you?

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I have a peculiar talent. While my live-in boyfriend is sleeping, I can lay next to him and ask him a question by thinking of the question only (not saying anything), and he then reads my mind and answers my question. The question has to be a yes or no question because I tell him (in my mind) to tap once with his finger for a yes and twice for a no.


He responds almost 100% of the time, but he has to be sound asleep. I have been able to find out when he has lied to me and other answers to questions he would normally not tell me.


I can also transfer my thoughts to him, but only when he is sound asleep or totally relaxed. I can make him thirsty, horny, hungry, or tired by concentrating really hard on that feeling.


Has anyone else had this experience?

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Originally posted by bluechocolate

Why would I want to transfer thoughts to your boyfriend? :confused:




Hmmm transferring thoughts.. God I hope I can't do that.. sh*t! :o

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I haven't tried to do it the way you have, but people who are emotionally close to me will, after we spend a fair bit of time together, start answering questions I don't ask aloud, calling when I've been really wanting them to, and doing things like picking up unusual things at the store that I think of getting while they are shopping.

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Originally posted by amykat

......I can also transfer my thoughts to him, but only when he is sound asleep or totally relaxed. I can make him thirsty, horny, hungry, or tired by concentrating really hard on that feeling.


Has anyone else had this experience?


Can't say that I have, but hopefully this is a skill that can be developed, as opposed to a talent that one must be born with.


Hmmm........perhaps with a bit of patience, and a lot of practice..... :D

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Wow, I wanted to post something like this before.. but I thought people would laugh at me LOL


Anyway.. I too can do that. But.. its not always while they're asleep. Sometimes I would answer questions or make a comment on something they would be thinking.. and many times we find ourselves saying the same thing at the same time.. but for this to work.. I have to have a special connection with these people.


Anywayz... I think its kool that someone else had brought this up.. now I know I'm not alone :D

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I wonder what this means scientifically, because I don't think it can be explained through ordinary physics. Could this mean that we really do have some sort of spiritual connection with certain others that transcends our normal human experiences? Or are people like ourselves different in that we have a sixth sense?

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Originally posted by amykat

I wonder what this means scientifically, because I don't think it can be explained through ordinary physics. Could this mean that we really do have some sort of spiritual connection with certain others that transcends our normal human experiences? Or are people like ourselves different in that we have a sixth sense?

Nope. Doesn't mean that. Means the person is thinking simple, stereotyped thoughts, with simple, stereotyped answers. Such that anyone, if given sufficient time and training would be able to predict her said thoughts and produce the desired response.


The fact that peoples' vocabularies differ would be a functional hurdle to any type of telepathy requiring appreciation of questions and responses. Let's not forget the difference in lingual manipulation skills different people posess.

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The fact that peoples' vocabularies differ would be a functional hurdle to any type of telepathy requiring appreciation of questions and responses. Let's not forget the difference in lingual manipulation skills different people posess.


Huh? Nobody's talking about 'reading the minds' of foreign-speaking strangers :laugh:

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I can also transfer my thoughts to him, but only when he is sound asleep or totally relaxed. I can make him thirsty, horny, hungry, or tired by concentrating really hard on that feeling.


Has anyone else had this experience?


Amykat, yes I have. I've been picking up on your thoughts for quite a while now, and I have to say I don't approve one bit. Not to mention I'm constantly tapping my fingers about something, and my girlfriend is getting jealous.

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Originally posted by johan

Amykat, yes I have. I've been picking up on your thoughts for quite a while now, and I have to say I don't approve one bit. Not to mention I'm constantly tapping my fingers about something, and my girlfriend is getting jealous.


:laugh: oh man!

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Originally posted by moimeme

Huh? Nobody's talking about 'reading the minds' of foreign-speaking strangers :laugh:

There are many words I understand that you don't. Similarly there are many words that you understand that I don't.

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There are many words I understand that you don't. Similarly there are many words that you understand that I don't.


So? Not too hard to understand 'gee, I wish (spouse) would bring home (specific grocery item). :laugh: We're not talking about decoding equations in quantum mechanics here.

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I think I understand what Flying Goose is trying to say, I could be wrong.


Are you saying that in order to effectively communicate with someone using only thoughts, we'd have to think thoughts that wouldn't disrupt the continuity of the other person's thoughts?

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Studies (you find 'em if you want--look in A&M animal behavioral research) have determined that animals, such as dogs and cats, 'think' in pictures, with very primitive reasoning skills-- whereas humans will think in concepts and have a much higher reasoning ability--we can connect things and move forward. In other words, we interpret the pictures in our minds. Animals will attach the same emotion to the same picture in their minds, just as they do in life. A couple of my dogs see me go to drawer that has the nail clippers and they run to their crates and watch, if I pull the clippers out they go into their crates! Pavlov's dogs.


One theory about human thought transference is that it is no more than our basic, primitive, thought patterns of pictures/emotions. The old saying "familiarity breeds contempt" could also be carried into a relationship -- 'familiarity breeds thought transference' Like others have said, once a couple are together a while they naturally pick up on each others likes and dislikes. Without consciously thinking "It's been a week since we had ice cream, I'll bring some home" one partner will just bring home ice cream -- seemingly on the spur of the moment and the one at home --who also hasn't had ice cream in a week, says "You must have read my mind!"

It's a pattern of behavior, like Pavlov's dogs, but on a much more subtle plane--we don't recognize the 'salivation bell' for our own behavior, but it's there.

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I agree with what you are saying, but I can actually do more than just that :


For instance, I asked him (only in my mind-I did not say a word out loud) if he lied to me when he told me he did not take the last cookie out of the jar (just an example) and he responded by tapping his finger once for "yes". I can find out just about anything I want because in this state of consciousness he will always tell the truth. I have done this with questions I know the answer to and it has proved to be 99% accurate. It's almost scary how this always works.


Also, if he is relaxed, I can make him fall sound asleep by just thinking about it. Or I can also wake him up out of a sound sleep by just thinking "WAKE UP" and he will wake up automatically. I also made him quit smoking by thinking about how awful cigarettes are every night to myself while he was asleep. I told him (nonverbally) that every time he lights a cigarette it will smell like rotting flesh.


Everyone I tell this to thinks I'm crazy, but I know I'm not. I hope someone else out there will try this and let me know what happens.

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you scare me. :eek:


i wouldn't want to fall asleep anywhere near you or 'your kind'.


seriously, whether it's confirmation bias or not, i think you should stop doing this.


your boyfriend has the right not to have his mind read and controlled.


so you have a freaky skill. if he doesn't know you're doing it, it's grossly unfair.


next thing you'll be getting him to drop friends YOU don't like, finding out his credit card pin and brainwashing him to blow away some random jerk who looked at you funny in the deli.

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You have a good point there. I should stop doing it, but I'm still at the point, where I still can't believe can do this, so I have to keep proving it to myself. I've only been doing it for about 3 months.


The only thing I use it for is to find out what he has lied to me about; he lies constantly about his whereabouts because I think he may have a sex addiction problem (I've posted this problem on this site) . I am trying to cure his problem by trying to convince him in his sleep that porn does not interest him. I think it might be working, but maybe I shouldn't even be doing this either.


On the other side of the coin, maybe its all him; he's the one with the special skills and he is reading my mind, not the other way around because I can't do this with anyone else.

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Yeah. I think I can send tlpthic msgs too.


For this entire week, I've been craving pecan pie. When I arrived to my folk's for Thksgvng dnnr, there were like 5 pecan pies made by different relatives. Most people I haven't spoken to in a while. Normally, we only have pumpkin and sweet potatoe pie. We've never had a pecan pie for Thksgvng dnnr before.


Another thing is...sometimes, I go through periods of missing my exboyfriend (every other month or so). I start having dreams about him and thinking about him a lot more often than usual. During those times, he always contacts me to tell me that he has been dreaming about me and he misses me too.


If this really works, perhaps I could convince my ex that he really is a good man. Then he would start being honest and true to everyone, break up with his current girlfriend, and come back to be my knight in shinning armor !!!

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I think it is worth a try anyway, it sounds to me like you might have some luck.


You might be surprised at what you can do. However, he must be in a totally relaxed state, not really thinking of anything. While he is watching TV is a good time, if the TV show is not something to intellectual; just keep telling him (in your mind only) how much he really doesn't want to be with his current girlfriend, and how much he really wants to be with you. See what happens.

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I think I am able to do it too.....

I will be thinking of one of my old friends I haven't spoken to in a while and that night they will call me.

Also the other week I was at the grocery store and I bought limes, for no reason limes. and About an hour later my boyfriend calls and asked me to pick up limes when I go to the store, which I already had. And this wasn't the only time it has happened between he and I.

Maybe I should ask him a question tonight while he is sleeping. Somethings I would like to know that are simple yes and no....

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What a great topic!


I have never tried this while my boyfriend is sleeping but we can read each others thoughts during the day quite easily. If I want him to call me or vice versa we feel the other's thoughts immediately. This has happened far too many times to be coincidental.


When we are sleeping we are very receptive and in our 'natural state'


As human beings use less than 10% of our brain function, it would be safe to say that we all have numerous untapped talents and abilities.


Amykat, you might like to keep a personal journal and research this more.


When i was in my teens I got to the point where I could control my dreams and decide where and what I wanted to do in them. For me my favourite was flying, so I concentrated on that before going to sleep.


I have never actively thought about practicing with my boyfriend though.

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