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I can transfer thoughts (telepathically?) to my boyfriend. Can you?

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Wow, this is so interesting! I used to get these crazy ideas that I would only wanna be with someone who knew me well enough to read my thoughts and vice versa. Fortunately, my fiance and I are on the same "wavelenght" (as we call it). Sometimes I test it on the phone in our silent moments, and it almost always works. A few times I've called his name in my mind a few times and he's responded with a "yeah?" Or sometimes I've said "I love you" in my mind, and he's commented on how wonderful it makes him feel when I say "I love you" to him. I know it could be a coincidence as well, but we sometimes say/think the exact same thing. He ALWAYS knows if something's wrong...but maybe that's because he knows me so well. I think it's so romantic, as long as it's not being used to manipulate the partner in the wrong way.


I would love to know when/if my fiance lies to me, but I can't try it until we get married. We're in a LDR. ;-)

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I've had the same types of things happen with someone i was kinda with for a while.. it was basically a fwb, but i really did care for him. he always called me at night, and even sometimes throughout the day, but i remember sometimes sitting in class and really wanting to talk to him for some reason, and i'd notice a missed call or text msg.. even though he knew i had lecture. also little things since we've been apart... same as what cupcake said above, very randomly i'll have a night where i miss him, and i'll know he's going to get in contact with.. just this feeling, and than he will...


anyway, a question.. for you guys that this has happened to, has this happened with more than one guy... or do you think its a special connection with this person that has enabled this type of communication?

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I wonder if it's a matter of just being the kinda person who moves their lips when they think...

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As human beings use less than 10% of our brain function,


Actually, just so's you know, that's an old myth long ago disproven. Doesn't mean we may still have untapped abilities, but that 10% thing just aint' true.


for you guys that this has happened to, has this happened with more than one guy... or do you think its a special connection with this person that has enabled this type of communication?


It's happened to me with people I'm very close to - except, interestingly, my last ex, who was a disaster. Shoulda taken that lack of communication as a sign :o


Anyway, I had quite a strong connection with one person while we were communicating mostly by phone. He had barriers up in person but not at all on the phone. One night in the middle of the night, I was blasted awake by a powerful feeling that he wanted to talk to me. Sure enough, he was online asking me to wake up and talk to him. He didn't want to phone and wake me up!

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