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What is the perfect age to have kids??


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Hi all..just wondering when you guys think is a good age to start a family..

and specifically in my case..Im 22, and I personally wouldnt mind starting my family by the time im 24-25. Is that too young? Am I being reidiculous?

Let me know.

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If you're ready, you're ready, but, and don't let this stop you, I doubt you are ready. That's pretty damn young. Do you have a stable career? Do you make enough money to support you, a spouse and a child? Will you be able to get a place big enough for a family if you don't have one already? A car that will fit the family? Kids are expensive as hell.


Personally, I'd say right around 28, 29, 30 is perfect.

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yeah, around 30 does sound a little more ideal...but, ill be done my school at 23, and be making about 50-60,000/yr, (ihope) providing I get a job, so if I do, Id like to get it started..

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well i am 25 and i would like kids now, but as kev was saying, i ain't got no money right now for all the stuff i need, let alone some baby!

plus i want to be married, and securer.


But some people will say never is a good age, cause there are those that do not have the desire to raise children.


there is no right or wrong age, but there are good and not good times to have kids.

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I belive its good to have kids young cause you get to see the grow up i was only 21 when we had are first now im 23 and shes pregnant again my kids are my life and wouldnt change anything.

haveing kids made me more mature straight away i was stuck in a 11k a year job now im in a trade earning great money need the money cause christmass is a expensive time. i dont regreat haveing them young its great (hard work as well) and cant wait for the next 1. :)

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My ex husband felt children would take away from his lifestyle too much. I'm fine with that being someone's choice, but I didn't get a choice.


I'm now 39, and getting re-married, and we're planning to start right in like rabbits...been checked out by my doctor, and he says all systems are GO!


It's rather exciting!


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The perfect time to have kids is when you're educated, have a great job -- one you love -- a reasonably secure future and a partner/spouse who also has these things.


The other perfect time to have kids is when you don't have to ask strangers if the time is right. You will know.


Having kids is a life sentence. It starts with at least three months of no sleep and usually something like six of hardly any sex. After that, there will be lots and lots of sleepless nights, trips to the hospital at 2 a.m., skinned knees, temper tantrums, broken things, spilled stuff and lots and lots of fatigue on your part. If you're not pretty set, all that stuff is brutal.


Tell you what: if you can care for a sack of sugar for a month and are not nuts yet, then maybe you can think about a child. I'm serious. My kids -- I have three -- and my sister all did this excercise in school. They had total responsibility for a 4lb sack of sugar for four weeks. Granted, a sack of sugar doesn't need its stinky diapers changed six times a day and it probably won't barf on you, but taking care of it is something like taking care of a newborn.


So here's the deal. You cannot leave the sack of sugar alone, ever. If you go out, you have to take it, or get a sitter -- who you have to pay. You have to make sure the S of S gets two naps a day: one at 11 in the morning and the other at about 1 in the afternoon. YOu have to make sure your S of S is in bed at a reasonable hour for a 'baby' -- being about 7:00 p.m. and, if you want to go out after that, remember that your S of S needs a feeding at about 11:00 p.m.


Seriously, If looking after a sack of sugar for a month sounds like a drag, then it is NOT the right time to have a child.

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My doctor told me when i was 27 "You do know that if you want children you should think about having them now..."

I recoiled in horror and asked politely but firmly for my contraceptive prescription.


Children do not fit in with my lifestyle or ambitions.


Most of my friends have kids now but heck, i can't even get a relationship, so unless we are talking some sort of miracle here it's not even something i have to think about.


I hope to have cleared my debts by the age of 33... and then i'm going to buy a house. Children? I don't have the time or money for.


If you want to have children young then do. But i always knew that i wanted to see the world, study lots and have a full on career, which leaves little time or energy for kids.

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Originally posted by Stinkerbelle

A sack of sugar isn't a tiny human being with your beloved's eyes...


No, true enough; but if you can't tolerate an inanimate sac of sugar, imagine how much more difficult it would be to manage a hungry, screaming, pee soaked human who needs you 24/7, especially when your beloved has flown the coop and left you with no support, financial or otherwise....

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