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OK, I know it's bad to tell a girl you like her, but how about...

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Is it considered bad if you ever talk about other girls around your crush?


For example, I'm considering speed dating. But there's this girl I like. Is it a bad idea to tell her I'm speed dating? Or might that cause an escalation in sexual tension or the idea that I'm not just hung up on her and I got options?


I've heard both sides of the coin where you don't want to talk about other girls in front of your crush, but that also you should because it lets her know indirectly that you're not just some "AFC" (google it if you don't know) who will chase her forever and a day.


All I know for sure is... NEVER CONFESS!

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Is it considered bad if you ever talk about other girls around your crush?


For example, I'm considering speed dating. But there's this girl I like. Is it a bad idea to tell her I'm speed dating? Or might that cause an escalation in sexual tension or the idea that I'm not just hung up on her and I got options?


I've heard both sides of the coin where you don't want to talk about other girls in front of your crush, but that also you should because it lets her know indirectly that you're not just some "AFC" (google it if you don't know) who will chase her forever and a day.


All I know for sure is... NEVER CONFESS!


Well if you are trying to come at this from a PUA angle, don't mention speed dating because it implies you need a special setting in order to get girls. Guys with high social value do not speed date. They just get women because they are valuable. Talking about alternative forms of dating such as speed dating or online dating is a demonstration of lower value. If you are trying to work this strategy, throw in stories that have girl characters in them. Mention how you think one of them was really hot at one time but something she did turned you off. This sparks both jealously and high value. I might also point out that this stuff kind of just fluff in my opinion. If shes into you, being an AFC is fine too.


Also I've had success confessing feelings before attempting to kiss before, although its hit and miss. Any reason specifically you don't like it so much?

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sometimes I feel like the worlds gone mad -

if you want the girl, man up and go get her, if you don't then leave her alone!

Lifees too short for all these games and theories.





in my humble opinion, of course ;)

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