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Is there different types of cheating?

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Hi. I have a question to ask all of you. Do you believe that there are different types of cheating? Like for instance, is it possible to sexually/physically cheat, mentally cheat, and emotionally cheat? How would you guys define these? Any response would be greatly appreciated. I beleive that there are different types of cheating but I am not sure as to what types there are (which is why I thought of asking you guys)!

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Of course there are different types of cheating. There is the obvious physical affair and cheating where you are physically sleeping with or engaging in other physical activities with someone other than your partner.


There is also the emotional affair. This is usually a "friendship" with a member of the opposite sex where you don't tell your SO that you are talking to them or what it is you discuss. This also involves talking about stuff you don't talk to your SO about. Most of the "cheating" partners don't feel this is a big deal, they are just friends, you have nothing to worry about kind of BS. This is just as damaging as a physical affair in a relationship and many times will lead to a physical affair. In many ways emotional affairs do much more damage than physical affairs do.


Mental affairs I would classify as lustful thoughts about a member of the opposite sex. These are somewhat normal and as long as the person doesn't pursue any kind of relationship with the object of their lust isn't a big deal. It's kind of like thinking a particular celebrity is hot or what not.

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