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He confuses me...

Romance's Secret

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Romance's Secret

Okay, I like my good friend, Ben. My instincts told me that he likes me. But I'm confused. I started to wonder if I was thinking too much.


First of all, two days ago he showed a picture of a girl, and told me that is his girlfriend. After that he told me he was kidding. That girl was a friend of his. He suddenly just show me the picture out of nowhere. Before I can ask my first question, he told me he was kidding. Well, he aroused my curiosity. So, I started to asked him about the girlfriend of his. He kept telling me he is joking, it's not true. She is a just a friend. After that I asked him why is he showing me this picture. He changed the subject of the topic and went silent. He done similar things before. He kept telling me that one of the librarian in our school's library is beautiful. He would tell me that he is going to the library to see the beautiful girl. He did make me jealous of course. Because of my jealousy, I suggested him to ask this girl for her number or make a move to tell her he is interested in her. He would either went silent or said no.


I texted him, I asked him what is the reason he showed the picture and whether he is trying to tell me something. I asked what is he trying to tell me. Well, that dude didn't reply me.


Recently, he became cold towards in front of our friends. But he acted differently when he is alone with me. We are good friends, we have same similar hobbies and likes. That's why we chat a lot in person, not social network or texts or calls. The both of us don't really look for each other in Facebook, texts or calls if the reason to call is not that urgent or important. We talked a lot in person.


Ben is a quiet person and he never had a girlfriend before. So, I don't know if he is trying to make me jealous to give me some hints or more because it's his first time? I don't know. I'm so confused with his actions.


I have quite a few questions swimming in my head

1. Is he trying to make me jealous?

2. Is he giving me hints?

3. Could it be because he never had a girlfriend before, he could only do this much? (Normally guys openly show the world their loves towards the girl that they interested)

4. If he is giving me hints by making me jealous, what should I do next?

5. Should I make the initiate move? (I wanted him too be initiative)

6. Does he likes me?

7. Or am I thinking too much?

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